sponsored by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free


Regressive Toll Tax No Way to Fund Transit, Reduce Congestion, Protect Public Health or Spur Economic Growth Testimony on the Central Business District Tolling Program and its proposed tolling structure of congestion pricing by Corey Bearak, Senior Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Free

A 5-point Plan to Save Public Transit from New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax Full EIS & Full Economic Study per SAPA; Impose Fiscal Responsibility and Controls on MTA operations and Capital Program; End State and City General Tax Levy Defunding of the MTA; Fund MTA Capital Program the same way NYC and NYS fund their regular capital programs; and secure steady stream of capital funding from the Federal government

A Meaningful Pause Means An Opportunity for Real Change: Move on from regressive, inequitable, unfair & unsustainable congestion toll-tax scheme;Save Public Transit with a Real Plan - Statement by Susan Lee, President, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit including residents of all five boroughs and Long Island, small businesses inside and outside the "zone," and a bipartisan group of elected officials, welcomes the MTA resolution that formally delays any implementation date for its regressive, inequitable, unfair and unsustainable congestion toll-tax scheme that fails on every level including public health and the environment, the economy and alleviating congestion

Rather Than Pontificate, Investigate A Meaningful Message to the City Comptroller: Conduct an honest financial impact of the Regressive Congestion Toll-Tax - Statement by Susan Lee, President, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit including residents of all five boroughs and Long Island, small businesses inside and outside the “zone,” and a bipartisan group of elected officials, calls on City Comptroller Brad Lander conduct a full and complete honest financial impact investigation into the fiscal impacts on the City of the regressive, inequitable, unfair and unsustainable congestion toll-tax scheme that fails on every level.

Judicial Upset? - Not Quite! Public Policy governs this outcome Statement from Susan Lee, President, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax emphasized the failure to consider economic impacts and the need to comply with State law; those key issues remain alive and well in the Southern District and, even more importantly, in Albany where the Governor recognized those adverse economic impacts...The regressive, inequitable, unfair and unsustainable congestion toll-tax scheme fails as a public policy on every level; that explains and justifies Governor Kathy Hochul’s announced "indefinite pause." Clearly New Yorkers inside and outside of New York City agree by a 2:1 margin!...This Congestion Pricing Toll-Tax scheme is where it should be now, in the pile of bad ideas.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul on congestion pricing: $15 is too much for New Yorkers right now We cannot be tone deaf to the needs of our workers or our employers. I have talked to so many of our employers. Major employers in New York City who are concerned right now that things are improving, working on our comeback almost there, but we don't need a setback at this time. And with remote work which was not even existing when this was enacted under my predecessor back in 2019. People might say do I really want to spend $3800 more a year to come into Manhattan or see if I can work from home. Our comeback and our economy and all of this subsidiary businesses that count on, I mean Broadway, Restaurants, Little Italy, delicatessens, the shoeshine person. All of these are affected whether or not people come into our city. I want people to come into our city. That's important to me. I want us to continue thriving and putting the pandemic in the rearview mirror, but right now $15 for anyone to drive into New York City is too much at this time. So I'm working with our legislators to find an alternative funding source because every single project that is envisioned with the money generated from this is an important project. I support them. I have supported congesting pricing, but think about the pricing, but think about the effect of $15 right now...I will say for now $15 is not the right price. That does not mean it's gone forever, but let's just be reasonable. Right now, New York City residents are under siege. They have high costs of living, everybody, water rates up, rent rates up. A lot for our citizens and we should not ignore them saying to us as government leaders: we just want a break once in a while. Who's listening to us. I'm listening to them...[responding to $700 million in fare and toll evasion] You're absolutely right. I've said that before. There's other funding sources. I want to do the 2nd Avenue Subway. I want all the improvements promised to New Yorkers based on the bonding off this $1 billion. But we are capable of doing this. I support the MTA. I bailed them out last year. No one can question my commitment to this lifeline that makes New York City so fabulous and so successful. We love the subway system. I'm the biggest support of the New York City subway system. because last year, it was going off the fiscal cliff and I pulled it back with a creative funding strategy. I'm committed to this, committed to the projects, but right now, at this time, it is too much for New Yorkers to endure this. I don't want to suppress a recovery and that's the genesis of the pause. Again a temporary pause, but I'm going to say this again. $15 is too much for New Yorkers right now... We're also committed to everyday New Yorkers who are struggling.
(CNBC Squawk Box, 2024-06-21)

Congestion Pricing Debunked (the data speak for themselves) The MTA and other groups would like you to believe that congestion pricing is necessary to fund the MTA's capital programs. That is a false narrative and the facts speak for themselves. The MTA doesn't need any more money that it will fail to save or spend responsibly
(Passengers United YouTube Channel, 2024-06-16)

Congestion pricing halt the right move Op-ed by Assembly Member Kenny Burgos (D-Bronx) Every day, from the Bronx to Queens, from Staten Island to Brooklyn, New Yorkers are weighed down by the skyrocketing cost of living. It’s not just a Bronx issue; it’s a burden shared citywide. Gov. Hochul’s decision to pause congestion pricing is more than a reprieve — it’s a stroke of necessary justice for working families across our city...Driving in our city isn’t a luxury; it’s a lifeline. Especially in communities like my district in the South Bronx, poorly served by public transit, imposing a daily toll isn’t just inconvenient — it’s prohibitive. It cuts off access to Manhattan’s vibrant job market and essential services, casting a long shadow on our nascent economic recovery...By focusing on policies that lift rather than levy, we can shape a more inclusive and prosperous future with economic policies that empower our community, driving progress instead of holding it back.
(Daily News, 2024-06-14)

Governor Kathy Hochul on congestion pricing "pause" We've been in communication with the federal government; they are going to allow us maximum flexibility during this pause...Projects will continue they'll be re-prioritized but they will continue this is a pause for now...Let us take some time to work with the legislature as they asked us to do...I stood up for the MTA last year when nobody thought I would. I stood up and put together a rather complicated funding package to ensure the long-term viability of something that I know is critical for the existence of the New York City metropolitan area...There are creative solutions to address this pause...all I know is this moment is not the right time to ask hard working everyday New Yorkers in light of everything they're else they're dealing with to pay an additional $15 for our teachers who work five days a week within the Zone drive to work to pay almost 4,000 more out of their paychecks. They can't work remotely. Police officers can't firefighters can't. A lot of laborers can't. They have to put the tools in the back seat and drive to their jobs. Hotel workers who come in all different hours who want the luxury of having their own vehicle...there are real lives that are being affected including everything from the cost of a piece of pizza is going to go up because of the charges imposed that we passed on to consumers. This moment in time is not right time to put that on the backs of New Yorkers.
(Governor Kathy Hochul's YouTube Channel, 2024-06-13)

Opponent criticizes Lander's push for congestion pricing City Comptroller Brad Lander's plan to push for a congestion pricing start date despite a recent halt by Gov. Kathy Hochul is drawing criticism from opponents of the program...Kathryn Freed, who represents New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, aired grievances on "Mornings On 1" Thursday about Lander's legal rationale..."Brad Lander's plan is wrong in the law," Freed said. "The congestion pricing bill doesn't set a time limit; it just says it has to be after 2020.",...Freed said the plan unfairly hits marginalized Central Business District communities, like the Lower East Side, worsening pollution worries..."Nobody who lives in New York doesn't want to see less traffic and less congestion. But the problem is that this plan impacts particularly a lot of marginalized citizens and residents." Freed also highlighted what she said are inequities within the plan, particularly its effects on low-income individuals and communities..."It's got to consider the everyday person. And were talking in many cases, people who live on fixed incomes...It's not about driving for them. It's about the fact that everything's gonna cost more because everything is trucked in..."
(Spectrum News NY 1 "Mornings On 1", 2024-06-13)

MTA board can't revolt on congestion pricing, City Planning chief says Dreams of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board revolting against Gov. Kathy Hochul’s congestion pricing reversal are not to be, City Planning Director Dan Garodnick said Wednesday. He is also a member of the MTA board..."In short, no, the MTA board cannot move forward on a program that does not have the necessary support from the state," Garodnick said. "The MTA is an implementing agency, it follows state law."
(Crains New York Business, 2024-06-13)

Statement from Susan Lee, President, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax The June 30th Start Date Wasn't Feasible to Begin With and Here's Why from New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax If New York wanted to be first in the country to implement a congestion pricing tax, why didn't they get it right from the start? If this was truly about the environment, they should have conducted the Environmental Impact Study/Statement so the public had an accurate understanding of the economic, environmental and equity consequences of Congestion Pricing which were not addressed in the EA.

Congestion Pricing discussion featuring former WABC-TV morning Anchor Ken Rosato & opinion columnist/political consultant William Francis Buckley O'Reilly Governor Hochul has said that that it's being postponed indefinitely...he governor laid out the economic hardships for people...But there's got to be a better solution than saying to people who do not take the subways, who come in from the outerboroughs, blue collar cops, firefighters, teachers who have to come in at 6 a.m. and don't have access to good mass transit, that they now have to pay $15 a day. That just doesn't make sense...collect the fares, collect the tolls. They're leaving $700 million a year on the table...the late AssemblymanRichard Brodsky, who was a progressive and and a liberal...was was largely or at least one of the reasons why congestion pricing didn't go through in (20)07...And his argument always...that the taxes so regressive
(914 Wired Video Podcast hosted by Peter Moes, Ardina Seward and Charles Stern, 2024-06-10)

Governor Hochul Announces Pause on Congestion Pricing to Address the Rising Cost of Living in New York Assemblymember Clyde Vanel said, "Governor Hochul is putting working New Yorkers first by halting congestion pricing. Thank you for your leadership and working to make our state affordable for working families and fighting to improve the environment and public transportation." Governor Hochul's announced her plans to halt the Congestion Plan for 2024. Thank you for continually voicing your concerns and opinions against this plan, as it would greatly affects communities of color.
(Assembly Member Clyde Vanel YouTube page, 2024-06-11)

How powerful forces 'from left to right" came together to stop NYC's controversial congestion pricing “Other civic activists and small-business owners who formed the group New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax also galvanized opposition. Founders included Corey Bearak of the Queens Civic Congress, Chinatown business advocate Susan Lee and former Lower East Side Councilman and retired Judge Kathryn Freed. "Our cause was right. We need a vibrant economy. The congestion toll was going to raise the cost of goods and services for everyone," Bearak said. He also said traffic congestion and pollution would have been redirected from Manhattan to other parts of the city to avoid the Midtown toll.The congestion toll was never about the environment. It was about revenue,” Bearak said...Bearak said the state, city and federal governments should make public transit a bigger priority and identify additional funds in their budgets for the MTA’s capital program and help implement better cost controls at the the agency that oversees NYC Transit, the Long Island Railroad and Metro-North.
(New York Post, 2024-06-09)

Effort to find funding for MTA expected to end with no deal in wake of congestion pricing pause In her first public appearance since announcing she was indefinitely pausing the "congestion pricing" toll, Hochul maintained the move was driven by economics and conversations with New Yorkers..."I can't do anything right at this time that would also suck the vitality out of this city when we're still fighting for our comeback."
(WABC-TV Eyewitness News, 2024-06-08)

Editorial: Cleaning up after congestion pricing is messy — but worth it ...the fact remains that the “congestion toll” was a ridiculous kludge that Hochul was right to kill...The Albany culture favors slamming the public to pay for the insiders’ grand schemes and coddling of special interests; now that Hochul’s stood up for the public on congestion pricing, she and her partners in the Legislature are going to have to break with the rest of that scheme.
(New York Post, posted 2024-06-07)

NYC is Forcing Companies To Close… On Purpose NYC is now forcing businesses to close or pay higher prices just for existing in certain parts of Manhattan. Is this Fair?
(Cash Jordan YouTube page, posted 2024-06-07)

Does New York City need congestion pricing? Susan Lee, president of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, joined "The Rush Hour" on Thursday to weigh in on how “New York is Talking” about congestion pricing. For more information on New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, visit
(Spectrum News NY1 "The Rush Hour", 2024-06-06)

Editorial: Bye, bye, congestion pricing Gov. Hochul has done the right thing and put the kibosh on congestion pricing. Not just Queens, not just New York but the whole tri-state area can celebrate. And we commend the governor on her decision...Fifteen dollars a car? Twenty-four bucks for trucks, and $36 for big trucks? Who are you kidding? Could you be any more tone_deaf? Could you show any more indifference to a regional economy still unsettled from Covid? There are families for whom congestion pricing would be the final straw, the thing that keeps them from going to that museum, to that show. There are well-off people who would stop going to restaurants south of 60th Street just on principle. We know them! And of course every company that had to pay the new fees would immediately pass them onto the consumer. Hello, renewed inflation? Meanwhile, pollution would not be cut, only shifted. As for the $1 billion the MTA claims it would get annually, collecting the $700 million lost in a year to fare evasion would cover most of that...We applaud Hochul for making the call.
(Queens Chronicle, 2024-06-06)

Editorial: Kudos for Hochul's congestion toll U-turn - now make sure it's dead for good Bravo, gov, for recognizing that New Yorkers can’t afford to be squeezed in yet another way by the state... Kill congestion pricing for good - otherwise, this looks like a stall to avoid putting a deeply unpopular policy in place before the November election, when Hochul’s Democrats hope to pick up suburban House seats. As The Post has reported, and Hochul herself now admits, the fees would slam all New Yorkers, not just drivers, slowing tourism and slamming businesses. That's all still going to be true even if the city’s economic outlook improves...The gov deserves big props for listening to her constituents...Now, send congestion pricing to the "bad ideas" graveyard once and for all.
(New York Post, posted 2024-06-05; in print 2024-06-06)

Support Grows as Governor Hochul Pauses Congestion Pricing to Address the Rising Cost of Living in New York Governor Kathy Hochul yesterday addressed New Yorkers on affordability and the cost of living and directed the MTA to indefinitely pause congestion pricing to avoid added burdens to working- and middle-class families...32BJ SEIU President Manny Pastreich said, "Since our members rely heavily on public transportation, 32BJ not only supports funding the MTA but also the environmental goals motivating congestion pricing. However, years have passed since it was initially approved and the challenges we face have shifted. Accordingly, the solutions must also be adjusted. We support Governor Hochul's pause on congestion pricing to allow the time and space to find the correct path forward. Let's unify and achieve our goals together." Assemblymember David Weprin said, "I applaud Governor Hochul for delaying congestion pricing... this tax will impose massive financial burdens on everyday New Yorkers..." Assemblymember Clyde Vanel said, "Governor Hochul is putting working New Yorkers first by halting congestion pricing...and working to make our state affordable for working families and fighting to improve the environment and public transportation." Councilmember Nantasha Williams said, "There are still many unresolved questions about how congestion pricing will impact New Yorkers and other commuters, and it is crucial that we address these concerns before moving forward. By taking the time to reevaluate the plan and engage with the public, Governor Hochul has demonstrated leadership and a genuine dedication to serving the people..." [Click preceding link and this additional link to read more testimonies.]
(Governor Kathy Hochul, 2024-06-06 & 2024-06-05)

Op-ed: Kathy Hochul got it half right with her late awakening to slam the brakes on NYC congestion pricing by Michael Goodwin The governor's welcome decision to slam the brakes on the congestion tax was a remarkable turnabout, all the more so because she waited until just 25 days before the greedy wallet grab was about to start. Her reasoning is beyond dispute..."Let's be real, a $15 charge . . . puts the squeeze on the very people who make this city go," she said...She also warned the tax would "create another obstacle to our continued economic recovery" from COVID. All true, and all obvious from the beginning, as The Post repeatedly pointed out in its campaign to spike the hike...Instead of a new tax, a better option is to slash the MTA's bloat and end its money-to-burn attitude. One example is the agency’s admission it lost $750 million a year to farebeaters, yet has been lethargic about finding solutions... if Albany and City Hall believe the transit agency deserves larger subsidies, let officials find them by tightening other spending instead of adding to America’s highest tax burden.
(New York Post, 2024-06-05)

STATEMENT ON CONGESTION PRICING TAX HALT BY KEEP NYC CONGESTION TAX FREE: "Governor Kathy Hochul would be one-hundred-percent right to halt the controversial congestion pricing tax fiasco. She should then kill it and bury it deep in the ground. This regressive and totally unnecessary tax would be terrible for New York's struggling economy, and it would increase traffic and air pollution in some of New York's most vulnerable communities...This tax is not only unnecessary, it would be a permanent inflationary drag on New York's economic future. It needs to go, root and branch."

New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax Applauds Governor Hochul’s Plan to Delay Congestion Pricing Ahead of its Implementation on June 30th Statement from Susan Lee, President: "Some 63 percent of New York voters opposed the plan, according to an April Siena College poll. I urge my fellow New Yorkers to continue calling their city, state and federal elected officials to let them know that we not only support Governor Hochul’s plan to delay congestion pricing but we want an end to it."

Gov. Kathy Hochul: Addressing Affordability and the Cost of Living in New York “After careful consideration I have come to the difficult decision that implementing the planned congestion pricing system risks too many unintended consequences. I have directed the M.T.A. to indefinitely pause the program. We cannot afford to undercut this momentum, and I won't allow this delicate recovery to be jeopardized. I cannot add another burden to working middle class New Yorkers or create another obstacle to our continued economic recovery, “Hard-working New Yorkers are getting hammered on costs,” she said. A $15 charge puts the squeeze on people who make this city go. I cannot add another burden to working and middle-class New Yorkers or create another obstacle to our ongoing recovery. The reduction in foot traffic has had an enormous ripple effect. In this moment of financial stress, my focus must be on putting money back in people' s pockets and that’s why I will stand up for them and say no to congestion pricing at this time.
(Governor Kathy Hochul via YouTube 2024-06-05)

Traffic plan jam: Governor Hochul slams brakes on congestion pricing Governor Hochul on Wednesday declared that the Manhattan congestion pricing plan is on an "indefinite pause."...She cited high inflation, cost-of-living and housing costs, plus the city's ongoing recovery from having been "the epicenter" of the pandemic. The post-COVID work-from-home model has left Manhattan with an office vacancy rate of 20 percent and less foot traffic, which is impacting restaurants, delis and other businesses, she said...Hochul warned a congestion tax could make people tell employers they can only work from home, that some would forgo trips into Manhattan for dinner, theater or a night out, while others might just choose to move away...Retired judge and former Councilmember Kathryn Freed, who lives on the Lower East Side and is a plaintiff on a class-action lawsuit against congestion pricing, has become a sort of poster person for the opposition...Plaintiffs also argued congestion pricing would jack up costs for goods and services that merchants, in turn, would pass along to residents below 60th Street - the so-called Manhattan Central Business District...The environmental and economic impact on neighborhoods and residents in the zone, she said, was not adequately studied or considered, echoing a main claim of the lawsuit she is a party to. Her area of the Lower East Side would get more traffic and pollution under congestion pricing since the F.D.R. Drive would not be tolled.
(The Village Sun, 2024-06-05)

Hochul Pushes for Congestion Pricing Delay in Last-Minute Reversal Gov. Kathy Hochul wants to postpone a plan to charge motorists to enter Manhattan’s business district because she fears it will hurt the city’s economy... The governor feared that it might deter commuters from returning to the central business district, which has yet to fully recover from the pandemic.
(New York Times, 2024-06-04)

Hochul considering congestion pricing delay amid concerns from Democratic leaders Gov. Kathy Hochul is considering delaying the state's pending congestion pricing plan, out of concern that its June 30 implementation would hurt Democrats in competitive House races this year, three people familiar with her thinking told POLITICO. The Democratic governor and her aides have recently begun signaling their worries about the controversial proposal to charge drivers entering parts of Manhattan, according to the people, who were granted anonymity to speak freely about private conversations. A fourth person familiar with the matter said Hochul is responding to worries raised by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the House minority leader who is fiercely trying to win back a Democratic majority this year. Republican victories in New York congressional races helped the GOP seize power two years ago, and Hochul and Jeffries are both anxious to reverse that fortune.
(Politico, 2024-06-04)

Editorial: Hochul and Adams need to squash congestion pricing, a dud that will slam ALL NYers Congestion pricing is going to be even worse than you think, and Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams are only fooling themselves if they think the public won’t blame them...All city dwellers and tourists will feel the hit, as businesses pass on their higher costs — and not just delivery costs...And every delivery-dependent business in the zone will be seeing markedly higher costs, with no choice but to pass them on to customers...Most arguments for the fee have fallen apart: It won't reduce pollution and traffic congestion, just redistribute them - with the Bronx especially hard-hit...This is the choice of New York's leaders, rather than funding the MTA via general state revenues or clamping down on MTA expenses like insane overtime and other union perks or rampant farebeating. New Yorkers, tired of being squeezed from every angle, don't want congestion pricing - a plain money grab that will hurt businesses and tourism. It's the 11th hour, but not too late to call a dud a dud.
(New York Post, 2024-06-04)

ALERT "A citywide air quality alert has been issued warning parents and children to limit their activity today for health reasons. Yet New York City and New York State know, empirically, that the congestion pricing tax will increase air pollution in low income New York City communities. What does that tell us? Revenue is more important to New York's leaders than the health of poor children." - Joshua Bienstock, spokesman, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free.

Here's why no one escapes NYC's controversial congestion toll - not even locals without cars A Brooklyn-based air-conditioning and ventilation service firm is already alerting customers below 60th Street in Manhattan that beginning June 30, it will impose a $15 surcharge for all work orders to compensate for the toll, which kicks in that day...Opponents of the toll have been warning for months that companies will pass along its cost to customers while making deliveries of goods and performing service calls...Kathryn Freed, who lives in a co-op building on the FDR Drive in Manhattan and is a plaintiff in a lawsuit aimed at blocking the toll, said apartment dwellers - including those on fixed incomes in public housing - will particularly feel the pinch of the pass-along-toll cost. "There is no rail freight in Manhattan," Freed said. "Officials didn't look at the economic impact of the congestion toll."...Queens Chamber of Commerce President Tom Grech said such issues should not come as a surprise. "You can't do service deliveries on the bus and subway," Grech said.
(New York Post, 2024-06-02)

IT BEGINS: SERVICE BUSINESS ADDING $15 SURCHARGE TO DO WORK BELOW 60TH STREET IN MANHATTAN, THANKS TO REGRESSIVE CONGESTION PRICING TAX Can Pay Tax Once and Add Surcharge to Every Stop they Make. "It's hard to blame delivery and service companies for identifying this new money-maker, courtesy of Governor Hochul and the dolts at the MTA."

New York truckers sue over congestion pricing, alleging unfair burden Truck drivers filed suit in Manhattan federal court Thursday seeking an injunction to stop the MTA's congestion pricing plan, arguing that the current tolling scheme is unconstitutional and unfair to truckers. The suit, filed against the MTA by the Trucking Association of New York, argues that truck drivers would receive the most arduous tolls under the MTA's plan and are among the least capable of using other transportation options. Thursday’s suit differs from other legal challenges against congestion pricing in that it takes aim not at the federal government’s approval of the program, but at the program’s tolling structure approved by the MTA earlier this year.
(Daily News, 2024-05-31)

Congestion Pricing's Latest Challenger: New York City Truckers The industry that moves nearly 90 percent of goods within the city is suing to challenge the policy, claiming it unfairly burdens their business. The Trucking Association of New York, a trade group representing a wide range of delivery companies, filed a lawsuit on Thursday seeking to delay the policy, claiming that it would unfairly charge vans and trucks that enter the new tolling zone as much as $36 per trip during peak hours. That cost, the group says, could soon be passed on to local businesses and consumers. But critics in the trucking industry, which delivers about 90 percent of goods in the five boroughs, say the fees are excessive, especially for smaller companies that make up a big share of the city’s trucking industry, with an average fleet size of around 20 trucks. Larry Zogby, the owner of RDS Same Day Delivery, a medical courier company in Long Island City, Queens, said the added cost could be sizable for his fleet of about 30 vans and trucks. Unlike large delivery operations like Amazon or FedEx that can more easily absorb the tolls because of a high volume of shipments, he said, his company makes dozens of emergency trips into Midtown Manhattan every day, often carrying a single piece of medical equipment or a batch of blood samples. He estimates that his fleet will make 26,000 trips into the toll zone a year, at a cost of R400,000 to $500,000. That would become his third biggest expense annually, behind payroll and insurance, he said. The estimate doesn’t include the R100,000 he budgets annually for bridge and tunnel tolls, or $85,000 in parking tickets. “If you have an $85 delivery, and you slap a $24 toll on it, how is there any more money left for profit?” he asked.
(New York Times, 2024-05-30)

Congestion Pricing Could Bring Cleaner Air. But Maybe Not for Everyone. According to an environmental assessment by the authority, congestion pricing could decrease air pollution overall in three boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. The concern is that rerouted traffic could increase it in the Bronx and on Staten Island. [Mitigation] measures are inadequate for the South Bronx, which has grappled with air pollution’s effects for years, said Arif Ullah, the executive director of South Bronx Unite, a nonprofit that focuses on social, economic and environmental issues...The South Bronx, one of the areas that is projected to have more air pollution because of drivers avoiding the toll zone, already has high levels of congestion and toxins in the air, and high asthma rates. "If we are getting more public transit with poorer air, it seems like a deal with the devil," said Assemblyman Kenny Burgos, a Democrat who represents a section of the southeast Bronx and opposes the current plan. Mr. Burgos expressed concern about a possible increase in delivery trucks, which are among the worst polluters.
(New York Times, 2024-05-28)

Freed: Maybe Charles Komanoff is Worried That I'm Right on Congestion Pricing Opinion by Judge Kathryn Freed I'm still pushing for a better solution because the MTA's own figures show the deleterious effects this congestion pricing plan will have on certain areas - unsurprisingly, it is worse for the areas that are designated Environmental Justice Areas. EJAs are low-income communities or communities with at least 51 percent people of color...It is fundamentally unfair to pass a program that will have injurious health effects on one area to benefit others, especially if that area already has a high degree of respiratory and heart diseases. At the very least, a plan this monumental, far-reaching and complicated, that will affect 20 million-plus individuals, requires a full environmental review.
(Streets Blog, 2024-05-22)

Adams, Hochul remain silent on NYC congestion pricing, pretend they’re just bystanders to legal graft Opinion by Michael Goodwin Sometimes a tax is just a tax...The $15 daily fee for cars and up to $36 for trucks and buses is the latest version of what the crooks from Tammany Hall called legal graft...There ought to be a law against it. There also ought to be a mayor and a governor with the courage to block it. Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul are pretending to be bystanders even as another reason to avoid Manhattan barrels toward implementation.
(New York Post, 2024-05-21)

Trio of NY groups make last-ditch bid to block congestion pricing from taking effect next month A marathon of oral arguments began Friday morning in Manhattan federal court in three separate lawsuits - one brought by United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew and Republican Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella, another by New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax and the third by a second group of city residents - who all want to stop the $15 toll set to launch June 30...Lawyers for the opponents argued in the packed courtroom that the environmental impacts - including pollution, traffic and economic effects - were not properly analyzed and that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) fast-tracked a study that wrongly found congestion pricing would have "no significant impact" on New Yorkers.
(New York Post, 2024-05-17)

Federal court showdown over NYC congestion pricing as toll looms Attorneys representing a slate of plaintiffs, including several New York City residents, a teachers' union and some elected officials, made their case to a federal judge as to why the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Central Business District Tolling Program was not thoroughly vetted, and could do more harm than good. "People will go out of business," said Jack Lester, an attorney representing New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, one of the plaintiffs in the suit. "Employees will lose their jobs if they can't afford to get to their places of employment."..."Far from eliminating traffic congestion, the tolling plan “is distributing it to already burdened communities,” said attorney Alan Klinger, who represents several plaintiffs.
(Newsday, 2024-05-17)

Showdown Over Congestion Pricing in Federal Court New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax class action lawsuit plaintiff Meredith LeVande interviewed at 1:32 and President Susan Lee interviewed at 2:33; UFT lawsuit counsel Alan Klinger interviewd at 1:08. (Andrew Siff reports)
(NBC New York, 2024-05-17)

Court hearing underway over congestion pricing lawsuit New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax class action lawsuit plaintiff Meredith LeVande interviewed at 1:36, (Tracie Strahan reports)
(NBC New York, 2024-05-17)

Federal judge hears challenges to NYC’s fee for drivers into Manhattan Lawyers for lower Manhattan residents argued Friday that the tolling scheme was given the green light by federal transportation officials without proper scrutiny. They said that before the toll is rolled out, more comprehensive environmental studies need to be done and more detail provided about how the state will address them...Other lawsuits being argued Friday contend that low-income and minority communities already dealing with poor air quality will be particularly hard hit by the health effects of increased traffic through their streets. They also argue drivers from other city boroughs and suburbs that lack adequate mass transit will take a disproportionate financial hit. Additionally, they claim, small businesses in the congestion zone will face higher operating costs and fewer customers.
(Associated Press, 2024-05-17)

Federal judge to hear last-ditch effort lawsuits filed against NYC congestion pricing Critics argue the tolling program would shift traffic and pollution to minority neighborhoods and small businesses. Those in support of the lawsuit are calling for an environmental assessment and say the one the MTA had approved by the Federal Highway Administration last year wasn't comprehensive. (N.J. Burkett reports)
(WABC Eyewitness News, 2024-05-17)

Queens lawmakers demand more MTA bus service to Manhattan before $15 congestion toll begins Kathryn Freed, a former judge and Democratic councilwoman who resides on the Lower East Side and is a plaintiff in the lawsuit aimed at blocking congestion pricing, said the Queens lawmakers got played. "They just figured that out, huh?," said Freed. "All our legislators just rolled over. I don’t understand what our state legislators were thinking."
(New York Post, 2024-05-16)

Why Some New York City Residents Are Suing Over Congestion Pricing Their lawsuits argue that the tolling program would shift traffic and pollution to poor and minority neighborhoods and hurt small businesses. Kathryn Freed does not own a car, gets around by bus and subway, and supports the concept of congestion pricing. As a city councilwoman from Lower Manhattan in the 1990s, she wrote a bill that looked to the policy to ease gridlock. But now, Ms. Freed is part of a group, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, that is suing to block the program...But opponents say it would shift more traffic to the neighborhoods where they live and work as drivers gravitate to toll-free routes like the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. As a result, they say, residents in some of the city’s most disadvantaged communities, including the Lower East Side, East Harlem and the South Bronx, could find more traffic and pollution on their doorsteps. "We don’t want the pollution, and I don’t think we should have to have it," said Ms. Freed, who lives on the Lower East Side and has chronic bronchitis. "Come up with a better plan."
(New York Times, 2024-05-16)

Stop the toll tax Letter to the editor by Corey Bearak, member of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax Steering and Legal Committees: Despite its name, "congestion pricing" achieves nothing of any consequence with relieving congestion. It even falls short of its claims concerning the environment; instead it negatively impacts public health. Moreover, its implementation will increase everyday costs of goods and services for small businesses and all New Yorkers, whether they take public transit, ride a bike, walk, rely on for-hire vehicles or drive a car. It remains the most inefficient and uncertain source of revenue...The best path is canning this toll-tax scheme and identifying other resources not reliant on any net revenue scheme.
(Queens Chronicle, 2024-05-16)


EDITORIAL: MTA toll Mambo No. 5 The Town of Hempstead is late to the party, but that’s OK — it brought enough drinks for everyone. Our distinguished neighbors to the east, who somehow saw fit to break away from Queens County in 1898 and help form something called "Nassau," don't want to pay any more into the ravenous beast called the MTA. So, they just filed suit to block congestion pricing. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before...The State of New Jersey has filed suit to block congestion pricing...So have the United Federation of Teachers, the Municipal Labor Committee, the Staten Island NAACP and the Staten Island borough president. So has a coalition of people mostly from the Lower East Side but including Eastern Queens' own activist attorney Corey Bearak...Each make their own legal arguments - many of them compelling...We've always opposed new tolls.
(Queens Chronicle, 2024-05-09)

Stop Congestion Pricing (video) created by The East Midtown Coalition which represents 39 buildings on the East Side of Manhattan. In 2019, the Coalition steered its resources toward fighting Congestion Pricing...This video shares that Congestion pricing could have been funded in (other) numerous ways; watch it to learn how wasteful the MTA is with our tax dollars. To donate to the New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, visit
(East Midtown Coalition via YouTube, 2024-05-08)

Hurdles ahead of congestion pricing start date Seven lawsuits have been filed in federal court to block congestion pricing from happening. Plaintiffs range from New Jersey to Long Island to lower Manhattan, where Susan lee of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax is hoping to block the MTA from flicking the on the switch next month. Lee says she wants the agency to specifically would be impacted both would be impacted both...The delays brought on by the lawsuits are already being felt as the MTA has already put a hold on big capital projects.
(Fox5 New York News, 2024-05-06)

Congestion Pricing and Confusion Any congestion pricing plan must be implemented responsibly, with full consideration of its effects on vulnerable communities and the environment. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority's plan promises anything but that...The M.T.A.'s resistance to a proper environmental impact study and its urgency in pushing this plan forward are alarming. Rushing forward without proper due diligence is irresponsible and risks irreparable harm to already vulnerable communities.
(New York Times Letters to the editor, 2024-05-06)

Town of Hempstead sues MTA over congestion pricing plan "This money grab, and it is nothing more than a money grab that is being done by the MTA, has really no impact or improvement on the services for anybody except for the pockets that are constantly drawn out by the MTA," Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin said at a press conference Thursday. "That is why we have hired attorneys and we are going to federal court…to seek an injunction to stop this program."
(The Island 360, 2024-05-06)

Congestion pricing just became an even bigger rip-off for these NYC motorists (opinion by Tom Wrobleski) We also know what Staten Islanders are going to get, because the MTA itself has told us: more traffic from truckers and motorists looking to avoid the congestion fee. That means streets that are more crowded and air that’s dirtier.
(Staten Island Advance, 2024-05-05)

Chinatown small businesses fear economic hit from congestion pricing Small businesses in Manhattan's Chinatown say they fear congestion pricing could worsen things for business owners who have yet to bounce back from owners like Robert Cheng are afraid that congestion pricing will prevent people from visiting one of the city's most historic neighborhoods and cause him to have to pay more for goods and services, just as he is almost operating at 100% again...Cheng said he feared congestion pricing could cost him as much as $10,000 a month...Congestion pricing opponents in Chinatown say the new tax will force the historic community out of existence.
(Fox5 News, 2024-05-02)

Long Island town sues to block congestion pricing, claims public transit is too dangerous Hempstead Town Supervisor Donald Clavin, who is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit, claimed that congestion pricing will "come at the expense of hardworking Nassau residents who are just trying to get to work." The official also insists that congestion pricing has no benefit for Long Island residents.
(Crains, 2024-05-04)

MTA faces backlash from business owners over congestion pricing Local residents and business owners are raising concerns over congestion pricing and point to the potential negative impacts it could have on their neighborhoods...A robust coalition, which includes supporters from Little Italy, Upper Manhattan, Queens, and State Island hopes a class action lawsuit can put enough pressure on the MTA to produce a new environmental impact statement. "This is such bad news for us," said District Leader Justin Yu. "We have been here almost 200 years but this congestion pricing is going to kill us. We’re dying here. MTA, have you heard us?"...Little Italy-based attorney Edward Cuccia added, “I'm Italian. I live here. I work here. I cry everyday when I see the deterioration of these neighborhoods. If congestion pricing comes into effect, who is going to come to Little Italy?"...former City Council Member Kathryn Freed says that is not enough. "If they are forced to do an environment impact statement, they have to mitigate the damage they are doing."...Susan Lee, president of New Yorkers Against Congestion, says someone needs to call timeout on the plan - before it"s too late. If this is going to be the first in the country, we need to get it right and this is not right. We cannot keep going back to the drawing board once it’s implemented."
(PIX11 News, 2024-05-02)

New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax files suit, demands environmental impact statement from MTA They say the pricing will increase pollution in neighborhoods like the East Village, where there's a high concentration of NYCHA housing...They also say it will prevent people from patronizing areas like Chinatown and Little Italy, which are already hurting from the pandemic. "You go to the east part of Chinatown all the businesses are all gone - almost all gone. My office is near the business shopping mall - it used to be the shopping mall for the whole area and now two thirds of businesses are closed,' local district leader, Justin Yu, said.
(News12, 2024-05-02)

NYC congestion pricing will take a toll on Chinatown businesses, critics argue The controversial first-in-the-nation $15 congestion toll to enter the Manhattan business district south of 60th Street will put a dent in the economy of tourist-reliant Chinatown...Chinatown activist Susan Lee - a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the MTA to stop the toll - said during a protest against congestion pricing that her downtown neighborhood is still recovering from the COVID- 19 outbreak. “The congestion toll will really hurt our economy, really hurt our recovery,” Lee, head of New Yorkers against the Congestion Pricing Tax said...Retired judge and former Councilwoman Kathryn Freed, a Lower East Sider, said "It's a money grab. It's smoke and mirrors..."..."This toll is going to hurt businesses that were shuttered during the pandemic. It is insane," said Queens Councilman Robert Holden. He said companies who have to pay higher tolls to make deliveries will pass along the costs to the consumers. "Everything is going to cost more."
(New York Post, 2024-05-02)

NYC congestion pricing target of Long Island lawsuit. Here's why the new tolls may be illegal. The controversial New York City congestion pricing tolls set to start June 30 are facing another lawsuit, this time from Long Island. Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin argues the $15 toll on most drivers entering Manhattan's Central Business District (below 60th Street) is an unfair burden on suburban commuters. "This is an unfair tax on people who are going to work," said Clavin, announcing a federal lawsuit against the MTA and Federal Highway Administration. Over 700,000 people drive from Long Island to the city every day.
(CBS New York, 2024-05-02)

Hempstead becomes 1st town on Long Island to file lawsuit against NYC congestion pricing plan The Town of Hempstead filed the federal lawsuit, making it the first on Long Island to take legal action against the controversial tolling plan. Drivers say it's already too expensive to come into Manhattan. Some are already resigned to paying the congestion pricing toll. "I think it's a lot of money and I think they're pricing businesses out of New York and I'm a Democrat," one driver said.
(WABC Eyewitness News, 2023-05-02)

Hempstead files federal lawsuit to stop MTA's congestion pricing program The suit, filed in U.S. District Court's Eastern District, lists the Town of Hempstead and Town Supervisor Donald Clavin as plaintiffs, and names officials with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Federal Highway Administration as defendants. The suit seeks a "permanent injunction" stopping the congestion pricing plan from going forward.
(Newsday, 2024-05-02)

UFT lawyers blast MTA’s decision with setting June 30 start date for NYC’s controversial $15 congestion toll Lawyers for the city teacher's union have ripped the decision by the MTA to set a June 30 date for the start of $15 congestion pricing - saying it shows the agency is not reconsidering the environmental impacts of the scheme, according to a new filing in their federal suit. "We believe it fair to say that the MTA's statement belies any genuine re-evaluation being conducted as to whether further environmental review is needed based on the actual congestion pricing program," the lawyers said in an April 30 letter to Manhattan federal Judge Lewis Liman.
(New York Post, 2024-05-01)

MTA says congestion pricing will start June 30 but still faces several lawsuits that officials have acknowledged could derail the start date. Corey Bearak, a founding member of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, a lead plaintiff in another suit against the MTA, said the agency failed to fully consider the socioeconomic and health implications for people who live inside Manhattan’s Central District. “We're really talking about the lives of people. We shouldn't be putting people at risk when we're doing any sort of program,” Bearak said.
(Newsday, 2024-04-26)

Malliotakis, Gottheimer Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Kill New York City's Congestion Pricing Program Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) and Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) today introduced bipartisan legislation to prohibit the implementation of congestion pricing in New York City, a first-in-the-nation program that will charge commuters up to $15 to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street.

Gottheimer Calls Out the MTA for Failure to Comply with Legal Request & Explain Congestion Tax Revenue Calculations U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) visited the MTA headquarters after the agency failed to comply with an official Freedom of Information Law or FOIL request more than 60 business days ago and ignored more than 30 messages from Congressman Gottheimer's office, requesting a meeting with MTA CEO Janno Lieber. View video of Gottheimer's remarks.

New bipartisan legislation aims to kill NYC congestion pricing Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis of New York and Congressman Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey introduced bipartisan legislation Wednesday to block congestion pricing in New York City.
(ABC 7 Eyewitness News, 2024-04-24)

63% of New Yorkers Oppose Congestion Pricing Tax: Siena Survey New statement from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

NY voters overwhelmingly reject new Manhattan $15 'congestion' toll in poll: Inside the stats "The Siena College survey finds that 63% of voters throughout the Empire State oppose the toll, while only 25% support the pricing scheme promoted by Gov. Kathy Hochul and the MTA to curb congestion and generate nearly $1 billion a year to fund mass transit. In New York City, 64%o f voters are against the first-in-the--ation congestion pricing plan to enter the Manhattan business district south of 60th Street compared to just 33% who back it.
(New York Post, 2024-04-22)

64% NYers Oppose Congestion Pricing, New Poll Finds Not one group of New Yorkers supported the tolls coming to Manhattan in June, according to a new poll. New York City dwellers oppose the toll plan by a 64 percent to 33 percent margin, according to a Siena College Research Institute poll released Monday. No single group - whether Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, Black or white - across the Empire State supported charging a $15 toll on most passenger vehicles that enter Manhattan south of 60th Street, the survey of more than 800 registered voters found.
(Patch, 2024-04-22)

FDNY members express concern over congestion pricing Jim Brosi, president of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association, joined NY1 anchor Cheryl Wills on "Live At Ten" Thursday to discuss concerns relating to congestion pricing and the effect on FDNY members.
(NY1 News, 2024-04-04)

Statement on MTA’s Plan to Charge Marathon Runners for Crossing the Verrazano Bridge by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Spokesman Joshua Bienstock: "The MTA's attempt to squeeze $700,000 each year from the New York City Marathon is the latest, and arguably most absurd, MTA money grab since the Congestion Pricing Tax was proposed. The MTA received billions of dollars in federal bail out money during Covid, yet they now want more. They blow through tax dollars on ridiculous studies and inefficiencies, while hardworking New Yorkers struggle to hang on..."

Commuters Wage Last-Ditch Effort Against $15 Manhattan Congestion Charge Congestion pricing is planned to take effect in June, but pending litigation could delay it Steven Traube lives in a Brooklyn neighborhood where the nearest subway stop is a mile away. He is a partner in the Wall Street Grill, a kosher restaurant and steakhouse in lower Manhattan. Traube said he drives to work, as do most of his customers. He feared the toll would drive them away. “What’s the city saying? We don’t want you in New York City. Take your business elsewhere,” he said. “The businesses enjoyed by people in the zone—if there aren’t people that are coming in from outside the zone, wouldn’t be able to survive.” Traube is part of a separate lawsuit pending in Manhattan, with oral arguments scheduled for May. A co-plaintiff is Meredith LeVande, who lives in the congestion zone but works as a music teacher at schools in the Bronx. LeVande said it isn’t practical for her to take mass transit to work because she visits several places and brings heavy gear, including a guitar. Tolls are partially rebated for low-income people who live in the congestion zone, but LeVande said she might make too much money to qualify. “If there was a subway close to me and I could store my stuff at schools, it would be a dream for me not to drive. It’s not like it’s pleasurable—it’s a pain!” she said. “It’s ironic that we’re called people who have a luxury. I think it’s the other way around.”
(Wall Street Journal, 2024-04-03)

MTA approves congestion pricing. Here's why the toll could still die.
(ABC Eyewitness News Up Close With Bill Ritter, 2024-03-31)

Anti-Congestion Pricing Group Asking New Yorkers for $15 in GoFundMe Donations - the Price of One Trip Below 60th Street - for Class Action Suit to Stop Implementation New statement from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

CONGRESSMAN MIKE LAWLER (NY-17) SUPPORTS ROCKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE ED DAY'S LAWSUIT AGAINST MTA "County Executive Ed Day's lawsuit against the MTA is warranted and has merit," said Congressman Lawler. "Rockland County commuters are being screwed by the MTA on a daily basis, and now they're pouring salt in the wound with their $15/day cash grab...the MTA is doubling down on bad revenue-raising policies that won't fix the underlying issues at 2 Broadway."

Rockland urges a federal court to block a NYS tax on drivers entering Manhattan Rockland County has asked a federal court to block a New York state income-generating plan to tax drivers for entering New York City below 60th Street in Manhattan...The lawsuit filed Tuesday claims the highly contested congestion pricing tax is unconstitutional and discriminatory..."The toll is not a valid toll because there is no rational relationship between the charge made against the driver and the service provided by the government," the Rockland lawsuit states. "The toll/tax is not legal as it treats classes of persons differently for the same activity with no rational reason in violation of the equal protection of the laws as provided for in the New York State and Federal Constitutions."...The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District on Wednesday in the name of Rockland County and County Executive Ed Day...
(The Journal News (Westchester-Rockland;, 2024-03-27)

Editorial: For whom the congestion pricing tolls Yet, now even former Governor Cuomo, who initiated the plan, says it has not been adequately studied - and is calling for a full environmental impact statement, or E.I.S. We agree. There are simply too many questions about potential negative impacts, including traffic displacement and economic hardship for both residents and businesses, particularly those in the zone...there's no question this plan would disrupt and financially impact many thousands of residents' lives, in particular, those who live in the so-called Central Business District...the M.T.A.'s traffic data for its CP studies was collected pre-pandemic, and New York City traffic and transit use have changed significantly since then. Manhattan office occupancy remains only around 50 companies, like Uber and Lyft, stand to profit immensely by this plan. There is a radical reshaping of transportation going on in New York City. As critics say, "Follow the money."...we agree with the main premise of the community lawsuit, whose plaintiffs include a number of familiar Downtown activists, represented by attorney Jack Lester: CP’s environmental and economic impacts should have been fully studied beforehand - in a full-scale E.I.S., as opposed to a less-rigorous environmental impact assessment, or E.A.S., which was all that was done.
(Village Sun, 2024-03-27)

Congestion pricing lawsuits test limits of New York's 'green amendment' Jack Lester, an attorney representing New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax and other plaintiffs challenging the tolling plan, said the green amendment and congestion pricing don't have to be in conflict, they just are because of the way the MTA is going about the tolling plan..."It's one of those governmental, perhaps well-intentioned policies that just went off the rails, no pun intended, in how they tried to implement it," he said...even if the MTA wins on the more basic legal issues, the green amendment issue could be left unsettled, giving New York toll foes another bite at the apple...They could, for instance, seek an injunction to block the tolls before or even after they begin by claiming the tolls violate neighborhood residents' constitutional rights.
(Politico, 2024-03-27)

Congestion Pricing Opponents Rev Up For Fee Fight After MTA Greenlight "This is far from over and we will continue to fight this blatant cash grab," said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy...No less than five lawsuits in New York and New Jersey aim to scuttle congestion pricing..."This isn't just a policy failure; it's an act of war on the working class," tweeted Queens Council Member Bob Holden, a congestion pricing critic..."Mark my words: we're taking this fight straight to the courts. See you there."
(Patch, 2024-03-27)

New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax applauds Mr. David Mack's courage to vote against the Congestion Pricing Plan. However, it is unfortunate the rest of the MTA Board refused to do the right thing for New Yorkers by passing the Congestion Pricing Plan. Statement from Susan Lee, President--New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax

NY farmers would get a break on Thruway tolls and NYC crossings - including congestion charge - under bill pushed by GOP "The men and women who work on our farms are only trying to make an honest living. Unfortunately, farmers are continuing to struggle with the after effects of the pandemic in addition to crushing mandates from Albany," said [Senate Republican Minority Leader Robert] Ortt, who reps western New York, which includes many farms in a statement...Much of the produce from upstate farmers is trucked to Hunts Point and other locations in The Bronx before ending up in grocery stores...Most farmers contract with trucking companies to deliver their goods downstate or elsewhere, with the hefty cost of tolls factored into the cost of what they have to pay, said Jim Bittner, owner of Bittner-Singer Orchard in Appleton near Niagara Falls...He said he is charged $150 per pallet to transport his sweet cherries, plums and apples to the Big Apple, as opposed to $100 per crate to deliver them to the Midwest, including Chicago.
(New York Post, 2024-03-24)

Staten Island politicians, union heads welcome local NAACP chapter to congestion pricing opposition Staten Island pols and union heads on Friday welcomed the local chapter of the NAACP to the congestion pricing opposition - arguing the looming $15 toll to drive on some of Manhattan's busiest streets will harm minority communities...For Jasmine Robinson, acting president of the Staten Island branch of the NAACP, the congestion pricing plan hits close to home..."What is the meaning of congestion? It means to block, to clog, and this plan is going to block and clog so much traffic, and this is going to impact our communities negatively," she said...Neighborhoods on Staten Island's North Shore - stretching from St. George to Mariners Harbor - are already designated by the Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice as "Environmental Justice Areas."...These areas suffer from poor air quality and high asthma and asthma-related hospitalization rates...According to the office’s latest analysis, those disparities in health outcomes that already exist between Manhattan and Staten Island's North Shore will only worsen if the congestion pricing plan is implemented.
(New York Post, 2024-03-22)

'This is not fair'; Staten Island NAACP, clergy join push against NYC congestion pricing Jasmine Robinson, an elected district leader for the North Shore Assembly District and acting president for the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), joined North Shore clergy in voicing their opposition to New York’s congestion pricing plan. "This is an injustice to those who are hard-working," Robinson, of Port Richmond, said."“This is an undue burden to our communities -- to the Black and brown communities, to the working-class people. This is not fair. This is not right. This is a con." Bishop Victor Brown, of Mt. Sinai United Christian Church, Tompkinsvile, and the Rev. Dr. Demetrius Carolina, of First Central Baptist Church, Stapleton, echoed Robinson’s concerns about how the congestion pricing plan will impact communities on the North Shore. "I'm pleased this morning to join in solidarity the opposition against this plan that is being imposed upon us," Brown said. "Well-meaning persons who are just seeking to make a living are being priced out of the city...This plan exacerbates an already tenuous situation."
(Staten Island Advance, 2024-03-22)

Congestion pricing, but with a twist Op-ed by Cristyne Nicholas: "As chair of the Broadway Association, a group of businesses that depend on those who come to Manhattan from elsewhere, we are concerned that congestion pricing will be the roadblock to recovery from the pandemic. Broadway tourism is in a challenging spot because the tri-state commuters, who used to make up nearly half of the audience, are coming in less, by some estimates 30% less...I'm especially concerned about our hospitality workers who make Times Square, Broadway, retail, bars, clubs and restaurants within the zone the thriving nightlife and 24 hour- 7 day a week moxie that NYC is known for. Late shift workers often must drive, because they have fewer or no late-night transit options. That additional daily fee may be more than they can afford, making working in NYC unaffordable...Tourism, one of NYC's largest employers and economic generators, is down $2 billion a year since COVID." Nicholas is also former CEO of NYC Tourism & Conventions.
(Daily News, 2024-03-21)

Black New Yorkers speak up on congestion pricing “But I also know that tolling stands to impact people living in outer-borough neighborhoods, including members of my community who would prefer not to drive. Many do so because they lack access to reliable, affordable transit,” said Majority Whip Selvena Brooks-Powers, who chairs the City Council Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and represents Southeast Queens neighborhoods. Others expressed major concerns about potential negative environmental impacts to Black and brown neighborhoods in Harlem and the Bronx. The South Bronx, in particular, was deemed an “environmental justice community,” burdened with high levels of air pollutants and associated chronic disease because of racist redlining practices.
(Amsterdam News, 2024-03-21)

As Congestion Pricing Nears Reality, It Faces Growing Opposition Five lawsuits challenging the plan have been brought in federal courts in New York and New Jersey, while lawmakers on both sides of the aisle in Albany have put forth proposals to repeal congestion pricing or carve out exemptions. Kathryn Freed, a former New York Supreme Court Justice and former City Council member, is among the opponents of congestion pricing who say the plan’s potential effects have been insufficiently studied. New York opponents have called the M.T.A.'s environmental study insufficient and have sought a comprehensive study of the program’s environmental and socioeconomic effects on neighborhoods including the Lower East Side, Battery Park City, East Harlem and the South Bronx, before the tolls start. But at the settlement conference last week, "the M.T.A. appeared unwilling to come to the table," said Jack Lester, a lawyer who represents the group New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax.
(New York Times, 2024-03-21)

Joan Hamburg interviews New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax President Susan Lee .
(The Joan Hamburg Show Podcast, 77WABC Radio, 2024-03-17)

Only Bureaucrats and Misguided Progressives Support Regressive and Counterproductive Congestion Pricing Tax Plan; Real New Yorkers Know a Money Grab When They See One: Group Even Former Governor Cuomo, Who Championed Tax, Now Says it Should be Axed or Delayed

Whoopi Goldberg rips NY's $15 congestion pricing toll to Kathy Hochul's face on 'The View': 'This is a huge deal' "The idea of having to pay, I'm a lifelong New Yorker, the idea of having to pay to get from point A to Point B without really having the conversation only to see those things go up anyway … it made me feel like nobody was listening."
View on YouTube.
(New York Post, 2024-03-13)

Congestion pricing pits MTA’s Lord Janno Lieber against working folk By City Council Member Joe Borelli: At its fundamental level, the plan to toll drivers in Midtown is a tax on residents from outer boroughs and counties who lack good public-transit options to pay for service for those in wealthy neighborhoods who have plenty of them. That's it. That's all it does: Per the MTA's own analysis, the scheme won't reduce traffic beyond a fraction, nor will it significantly reduce pollution outside the poshest downtown neighborhoods. Congestion pricing is only - yes, only - a cynical money grab.
(New York Post, 2024-03-12)

Andrew Cuomo: Yes, I approved congestion pricing but it's time to hit the brakes He advocated for congestion pricing and signed it into law as governor in 2019. But now Andrew Cuomo says he opposes the $15 charge for drivers entering lower Manhattan: "The people of New York know this is not the time to implement congestion pricing, but where are their local leaders passing resolutions condemning the policy? Or demanding a real independent impact study of today’s situation before it is put in place? Where are the local candidates challenging the Assembly members and senators to make this an issue in the upcoming campaign?"
(New York Post, 2024-03-11)

TWU boss John Samuelsen slams congestion pricing plan: "Everybody should be angry" The MTA's controversial congestion pricing plan now has a new and important foe -- the head of the MTA's largest union, who says that broken promises about service enhancements will hurt the working class. "Everybody should be angry. They're gonna get hit with a toll, and they're not going to get the beautiful -- all this wonderful public transit service increase that would have changed New York for the better has been abandoned," he said.
(CBS New York, 2024-03-08)

Transport Workers Union now opposes congestion pricing International TWU President John Samuelsen joined On the Record with Steve Scott to talk about the union suddenly opposing congestion pricing.
(WCBS-AM, 2024-03-08)

Chief of MTA's biggest union promises 'massive confrontation' over $15 NYC congestion toll: 'Not going to take this' The head of the national Transport Workers Union, John Samuelsen added: "There's going to be massive electoral fallout for the politicians who support this." TWU has made an about-face on congestion pricing as the plan looms closer, expected to launch as soon as June with the MTA saying virtually all of the cameras and other infrastructure has been installed.
(New York Post, 2024-03-07)

STATEMENT FROM KEEP NYC CONGESTION TAX FREE ON ‘ERRANT’ DAILY NEWS EDITORIAL "This tax is all about squeezing more money out of New Yorkers who can't afford it by one of the worst run transportation agencies in America. The tax will increase air pollution and traffic congestion in some of the city's poorest communities, while providing a boon to ridesharing services for the wealthy, like Uber and Lyft, who have generously donated to special interest organizations driving the pro-tax discussion."

Gov. Murphy slams N.Y.C. $15 congestion pricing toll while offering to meet with N.Y. state leaders "This is an ill-conceived plan. This isn't about congestion or the environment, it's about solving the deficit of the MTA," Murphy said...Murphy referenced the MTA's Environmental Assessment that predicted more traffic will use the George Washington Bridge and highways in upper Manhattan and the Bronx to avoid the Central Business District south of 60th Street, where the congestion fee will be charged.
(, 2024-03-04)

Testimony on the Central Business District Tolling Program by Small Business Owner Steven Traube owner of Wall Street Grill & plaintiff in New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax class action lawsuit

Congestion pricing's a 'Godfather' heist: This is an offer we can refuse op-ed by Steve Cuozzo: I never thought I'd side with the teachers' and municipal unions over anything. But I stand with them - and with the Broadway Association, upstate and New Jersey legislators, Lower East Side residents, small business owners, taxi drivers and almost everybody in Staten Island - to fight new congestion pricing measures, which the MTA wants to ram down our throats, and long-suffering streets, this spring...It's irresponsible, if not criminal, to inflict congestion pricing - with all its unpredictable consequences - on the city's DNA when it's yet to fully recover from the pandemic.
(New York Post, 2024-03-02)

New Yorkers weigh in on the final plan for con­gestion pricing Dr. Fumiko Chino, a radiation doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, said the congestion toll adds up to a tax on those who have cancer. "It's up to six weeks of daily treatments, so you're talking about $15 every day," Chino said. "That's a disproportionate tax.'
(NY1 News, 2024-03-01)

Testimony on the Central Business District Tolling Program by Brooklyn resident Lucy Koteen of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax

Testimony on the Central Business District Tolling Program by East Midtown Resident Michael Gross, plaintiff in New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax Class Action Lawsuit

NYC congestion pricing ripped as '$15 ransom' during first MTA hearing on contentious tolling plan: 'Substantial burden' Opponents of the toll for drivers traveling south of 60th Street argued the plan would be another crippling cost for working-class drivers, particularly in the outer boroughs or other parts of the tri-state area that lack viable public transportation. 'For many of us who are struggling to make ends meet, an additional daily fee represents a substantial burden that will force sacrifices in other areas such as food," said downtown Manhattan resident and business owner Linda Nicholas, who needs to carry equipment when she goes out for her work.
(New York Post, 2024-02-29)

Anti-congestion fee organizations join hands with small business owners, and the number of plaintiffs in lawsuits has increased to nearly 50 Susan Lee, a spokesman for the Citizens Anti-Clogging Fee Organization, pointed out that congestion charges will be fatal to many core business activities in Manhattan, especially restaurants and other small retail stores below 60th Street. She questioned the rationality of increasing the cost of entering Manhattan at the time of the recovery of enterprises, and stressed that the cost would significantly increase the delivery price, which would eventually be passed on to consumers.
(Singtao, 2024-02-28)

New Yorkers counter Congestion Pricing, 49 people sue MTA Frank Gonzalez, co-founder of the LES Small Business Alliance, said that the incidence of asthma, respiratory diseases and cancer is high
(The Epoch Times, 2024-02-28)


Small business owners rally against congestion pricing outside City Hall Small business owners and elected officials announced an expanded class action lawsuit on the steps of City Hall. The amended suit includes nearly 50 plaintiffs demanding a thorough environmental and economic impact study. The plaintiffs say the fee will slash business for restaurants by discouraging patrons and forcing small business owners to cut back on staff and hours.
(ABC Eyewitness News, 2024-02-27)

NYC small business owners file suit against congestion pricing Small business owners and elected officials held a rally outside City Hall, demanding an environmental impact study be conducted before the plan takes effect.
(CBS New York, 2024-02-27)

If your objective is to raise $1 billion, congestion pricing is not the way to go said Susan Lee, president of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax. Lee's New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax is suing to stop the toll for driving entering Manhattan below 60th Street, seeking an environmental impact statement opposed to the environmental assessment issued. To raise the needed funds for MTA projects, she said it should instead focus on combating fare evasion and an audit of the entire transit system."
(NY1 News, 2024-02-26)

Why NYC congestion pricing might hurt New Yorkers who don't even drive more than anyone else op-ed by Maria Danzilo, executive director of One City Rising, Inc. and Susan Lee, a One City Rising board member and president of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, which filed a federal suit over congestion pricing: "Since most residents of the CPZ tend to be middle-income and retired residents, congestion pricing will impose a significant financial burden on them; it may force many to move."
(New York Post, 2024-02-23)

Congestion pricing upsets Orange Commuters Congressman Patrick Ryan called for this public hearing because public hearings had only been scheduled virtually and in Manhattan. He said Hudson Valley commuters have virtually no voice...Ryan called congestion pricing "unacceptable and ridiculous.'
(MidHudson News, 2024-02-18)

Hudson Valley commuters rip ‘absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous' $15 NYC congestion toll Hudson Valley commuters ripped into the MTA's congestion toll in a town hall in Ulster County Saturday, begging the Big Apple and Albany to put the controversial pricing plan on-hold. The event was sponsored by battleground congressional district Rep. Pat Ryan (D-NY), who regularly excoriates his fellow Democrats who are pushing for the Manhattan fares.
(New York Post, 2024-02-18)

London isn't a winning example of congestion pricing -- it's a warning Op-Ed by Councilman Joe Borelli: "London's congestion pricing hasn’t worked as well as advertised. London is still more congested than ever, even worse than New York per traffic modeler INRIX."
(New York Post, 2024-02-15)

London's toll: Congestion fee slashed traffic but pinched shops and restaurants Some shops and eateries in central London saw their receipts drop 5% when the British capital rolled out its congestion pricing program -- which the Big Apple's controversial planned $15 daily toll is modeled on. While the percentage may not seem like much, Manhattan restaurant and store owners said it would be devastating, given their already dangerously thin margins thanks to COVID.
(New York Post, 2024-02-11)

Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing Testify in person On Line & Email, Fax, Mail & Audio Voicemail; Comments Accepted though Monday, March 11

MTA lawyer discloses congestion pricing could go into effect by mid-June Lawyers for the MTA and the U.S. Department of Transportation were back in federal court in Newark Tuesday over the Garden State’s lawsuit trying to stop congestion pricing..The date was disclosed by MTA lawyer Mark Churtok after Judge Leo Gordon asked Churtok to give a timeline so he could make sure he could rule on the case well before that date...Oral arguments are set to begin April 4.
(Spectrum News NY1, 2024-02-07)

NY's $15 congestion pricing toll timeline revealed: Here's when Manhattan drivers may start being charged New York's plan to start charging drivers a $15 congestion toll to enter Midtown Manhattan could start as soon as mid-June, a lawyer for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said this week. The statements made in New Jersey federal court Tuesday laid out the clearest timeline to date for the Empire State's controversial plan to impose the nation’s first congestion pricing fee system -- which has been met with a slew of lawsuits.
(New York Post, 2024-02-07)

Editorial: Time for insane NYC congestion pricing plan to hit the road Opposition to New York's coming congestion pricing continues to snowball -- and rightly so...By most accounts, it won't even actually reduce congestion...The MTA should also limit its mega-projects: Don't waste another dime on Penn Station or lunacy like the East Side Access white elephant. And the Legislature could send the agency more from general state revenues: City Democrats dominate the majority in both chambers -- how about cutting their constituents a break?
(New York Post, 2024-02-06)

NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Council Speaker Adrienne Adams distance themselves from MTA's $15 congestion toll Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams refused to support the state’s controversial congestion pricing proposal when put on the hot seat Tuesday in Albany, with Hizzoner telling lawmakers he wants a "different version" of the program.
(New York Post, 2024-02-06)

MTA says crush of congestion pricing lawsuits preventing critical improvement projects As a powerful labor coalition joined a lawsuit to stop the controversial toll program, MTA officials told CBS New York on Tuesday that the multiple suits are putting the brakes on critical improvement projects.
(CBS News New York, 2024-02-06)

Unions for nearly 400K NYC workers oppose 'crazy' $15 congestion toll, back lawsuit to block it The labor coalition representing New York City’s nearly 400,000 government workers -- including uniformed cops, firefighters and other first responders -- is backing a federal lawsuit to block the "crazy" $15 congestion toll to enter Midtown.
(New York Post, 2024-02-05)

Chinatown Civic Leader Blasts Congestion Pricing, Latest to Join Suit to Try to Halt It; A leader of a downtown ad hoc group calls the congestion pricing toll that the MTA hopes will be implemented by late spring a "money grab" by the agency that will be particularly harmful to poorer individuals and elderly residents of Chinatown. Susan Lee, president of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, joined with others last month who have filed a lawsuit against the MTA seeking to halt the toll, which the agency wants to start collecting by late spring. "We see it as a ploy for the MTA as a money grab," Susan Lee said. "They disguise it as an environmental issue...”
(Our Town, 2024-02-05)

From the Right: The MTA mess Op-Ed by George Marlin "The MTA is a mess. It is plagued by incompetent management, never-ending project cost overruns, declining services and ridership, crumbling infrastructure, sweetheart union deals, and rampant fare and toll evasion. Congestion pricing, which is scheduled to commence later this year, was not approved to help the environment. It was created to collect lots of money. The last thing the MTA wants is less traffic in Midtown Manhattan."
(The Island 360, 2024-02-05)

Congestion pricing could add to morning commute times into Manhattan, offsetting benefits for Long Island drivers The Metropolitan Transportation Authority congestion pricing plan -- sold for its potential to reduce traffic and improve transit -- is projected to lengthen how long it takes to drive from Long Island to Manhattan during the morning rush hour and result in fewer empty seats on Long Island Rail Road trains, according to project documents.
(Newsday, 2024-02-05)

18 NY lawmakers join suit to block $15 congestion toll State senators now joining the suit include James Skoufis (D-Rockland/Orange), Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (D-Staten island), Iwen Chu (Brooklyn), and Monica Martinez (D-Suffolk). Assemblymembers Aileen Gunther (D-Middletown), Jamie Williams (D-Brooklyn) and David Weprin (D-Queens) have also signed, as has NYC Councilwoman Kamillah Hanks (D-Staten Island). New Republican plaintiffs include a big Staten Island contingent including Council members Joseph Borelli and David Carr, US Rep. Nicole Malliotakis and state Sen. Andrew Lanza.
(New York Post, 2024-02-04)

Hudson Valley lawmakers join lawsuit against NYC congestion pricing The bipartisan group of officials, including state Sens. James Skoufis and Rob Rolison and four Assemblymembers, gathered Thursday outside the Metro-North train station in Harriman to formally announce they’ve joined the lawsuit, which was filed earlier this month in the Eastern District of New York by the United Federation of Teachers and includes several other legislators. They contend congestion pricing would disproportionately affect Hudson Valley commuters who do not have many public transportation alternatives to driving into Manhattan.
(Albany Times-Union, 2024-02-02)

Welcome to New York. That'll Be 100 Bucks The Midtown Manhattan congestion pricing plan is a cash grab at the expense of our constituents, by Reps. Mike Lawler (NY-17) and Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) We are from different states and political parties. Our views on issues vary widely. But on at least one thing, we passionately agree: New York's "congestion pricing" plan for Midtown Manhattan, scheduled to begin later this year, is a greedy and unnecessary cash grab. It’s a slap in the face to hardworking families, small-business owners and commuters who want to put food on their family tables. It should be repealed, root and branch
(Wall Street Journal, 2024-02-01)

NYC Unions Reject MTA Congestion Pricing -- Call For Ending Stock Transfer Tax Rebate Instead A growing coalition of New York City’s unions are speaking out against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's plans to impose a congestion pricing fee on vehicles entering Manhattan with several labor leaders suggesting Albany should instead start collecting the state’s Stock Transfer Tax that it has been rebating back to Wall Street since the early 1980s.
(Work-Bites, 2024-02-01)

Opinion: Congestion plan would crush real New Yorkers by Chris Ryan, plaintiff in the New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax citywide class-action lawsuit. One in four families in New York City rely on a car. Our local politicians rubber-stamp anything asked for by the colloquially named “bike bros” lobby, which is funded by Lyft / Uber and all those who stand to profit from the elimination of private-vehicle ownership...Elderly people who rely on Access-a-Ride, public housing residents who shop outside of overpriced Manhattan, nurses, doormen, contractors, artists, people who use private vehicles are NOT congestion. They are New Yorkers. Lifers. They are the lifeblood of the New York economy. And they certainly are not ATM machines to extract cash from to hand over to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to mismanage and burn.
(Village Sun, 2024-02-01)

Road rage: Local congestion fee foes sue for enviro study Charging that the traffic, health and socioeconomic impacts of congestion pricing have not been adequately studied — as required under law — nearly three dozen New Yorkers recently filed a class-action federal lawsuit against the scheme....Brooklyn Bridge to E. 10th Street, would see not less but more traffic and pollution since that route would not be tolled, while Chinatown small businesses would be decimated both by having to pay more for deliveries and seeing a dropoff in customers....In short, the plaintiffs say, a full environmental impact statement (E.I.S.) must be conducted for congestion pricing
(Village Sun, 2024-02-01)

Does New York City need congestion pricing? Betsy Plum, from Riders Alliance, and Valerie Mason, of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, joined “The Rush Hour” on Thursday to weigh in on how “New York is Talking” about congestion pricing. "Ypu come into the zone you have to pay the tax..we view it as a regressive tax. It's not just about cars, it's about taxing working New Yorkers whether you own a car or not. If you live within the zone and you buy will still pay more money because the costs of all your goods and services coming into the zone will be increased."
(Spectrum News NY1 "The Rush Hour", 2024-02-01)

Fossella likens NYC congestion pricing to Fresh Kills Landfill; announces latest court filing “This plan is nothing more than another toll and tax on the people of Staten Island,” Fossella said. the latest filing in Fossella’s lawsuit in the Eastern District of New York argued that the congestion pricing plan violates New Yorkers right to "clean air and water, and a healthful environment," as enshrined in the state constitution.
(Staten Island Advance, 2024-02-01)

18 pols join UFT’s congestion fee suit 3 civil rights, labor groups sign on this week as plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit originally brought by the United Federation of Teachers and Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella on Jan. 4. U.S. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-SI, Brooklyn) heads up the list, along with Councilmembers Joseph Borelli (R-SI), David Carr (R-SI) and Kamillah Hanks (D-SI). New plaintiffs in the Assembly include David Weprin (D-Fresh Meadows), Michael Reilly (R-SI), Michael Tannousis (R-SI), Jamie Williams (D-Brooklyn), Karl Brabenec (R-Florida), Christopher Eachus(D-Central Valley), Aileen Gunther (D-Middletown), and Brian Maher (R-Walden). Supporters in the state Senate are Iwen Chu (D-Brooklyn), Andrew Lana (R-SI), Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (D-SI, Brooklyn) Monica Martinez (D-Suffolk), Rob Rolison (R-Poughkeepsie) and James Skoufis (D-Cornwall).Organizations include the A. Philip Randolph Institute, the Coalition of Black Trade Unions and the Labor Co2.
(Queens Chronicle, 2024-02-01)

A bipartisan group of lawmakers from upstate New York is singing onto a lawsuit against congestion pricing. (via YouTube)State Officials from Orange County are now honking their horns in opposition..."Make no mistake, this rushed and shoddy plan is a tax on commuters. Many hard-working families in Orange and Sullivan Counties will face a significant and long-term financial impact." The UFT release this statement welcoming the new co-plaintiffs, saying "we are determined to challenge the current regressive and discriminatory plan for congestion pricing...It will only succeed in moving traffic and pollution from one part of the City to another, even as it increases the economic burden on working and middle class communities."
(Fox5 News, 2024-02-01)

Interview with New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax President Susan Lee and spokesperson ret. Judge Kathryn Freed "London actually has a central business district that no one lives in. In New York the congestion pricing district includes a lot of very old established neighborhoods; we have residents throughout the entire district...who move around 24 hours a day. So our situation in massively different than London's.
(WBAI "Living for the City with Michael G. Haskins.", 2024-01-31)

Unions, elected officials back lawsuit to halt congestion pricing plan The Municipal Labor Committee has voted to support a lawsuit aiming to block the MTA's congestion pricing plan. MLC Chair Harry Nespoli, who also represents sanitation workers, said that his members travel in and out of Manhattan frequently and that there should be some exemptions to the tolls. Nespoli said that 78 percent of the [102] unions within the MLC voted in favor of filing the amicus brief.
(The Chief Leader, 2024-01-30)

Regressive Toll-Tax Wrong Way To Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion by Corey Bearak, Senior Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free, and a Steering Committee member, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax

Congestion pricing plan faces new opposition — this time from Manhattan residents "This would be devastating - absolutely devastating," said Lower East Side resident Aixa Torres about the congestion pricing plan. "My God, this is insane. Hit me one more time with something else I have to pay for." The new lawsuit contends the MTA is ignoring the environmental impact on neighborhoods that could see more traffic as a result.
(News 4 New York, 2024-01-19)

NYC congestion pricing plan faces another lawsuit, this dealing with its effects on the Lower East Side "Plaintiffs will suffer negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences of Congestion Pricing," the lawsuit says. Opponents say it's unfair to charge motorists to drive in their own city, would hurt the economy and is unfair to those who don't take mass transit.
(Newsday, 2024-01-19)

Con­gestion pricing foes call for more en­vi­ron­mental review The group of 34 New Yorkers, known as New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing, held a rally Thursday outside City Hall to announce the suit, saying the city, state and federal government failed to do a proper environmental review of congestion pricing. “We're trying to get them to do a more thorough environmental impact study, which talks about mitigation factors, and we haven't seen any for the neighborhoods that are affected,” said Susan Lee, president, New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax.
(Spectrum News "Mornings On 1", 2024-01-19)

Queens pols file lawsuit against congestion pricing plan Community members and Queens elected officials rallied outside City Hall on Thursday after filing a class action lawsuit against the MTA's congestion pricing plan. Queens members of the City Council’s Common Sense Caucus and Queens Assemblymember David Weprin rallied in support of a new lawsuit filed against the plan to bring congestion pricing to Manhattan. The electeds are also co-plaintiffs on the case which calls for an Environmental Impact Study into the congestion pricing plan, which, once implemented, will require most drivers entering lower or midtown Manhattan to pay a toll.
(Queens Eagle, 2024-01-19)

Many organizations in Dongcheng appeal against traffic jams The plaintiffs in the case include the rights protection organization "New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax", former Chinatown City Councilor and retired judge of the State High Court Kathryn Freed, and the state public. Senator David Weprin, Robert Holden, member of the City Council's common sense caucus, Vickie Paladino, Zhuang Wenyi, etc., as well as a number of small businessmen in Lower East City and Chinatown, believe that the federal government and state government do not Correctly conduct a proper environmental assessment of the traffic jam plan. (preceding text is a translation)
(World Journal, 2024-01-19)

New York City Councilor and community jointly complain against the collection of traffic jams Plaintiffs Who Attended The Press Conference Outside The City Hall On Thursday Included The Rights Protection Organization New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, Democratic City Councilman Robert Holden And Zhuang Susan Zhuang, Republican City Councilman Vickie Paladino and David Carr, state Rep. David Weprin and former city councilor and retired judge of the state High Court Fried ( Kathryn Freed), as well as residents of Lower East City Community, small businesses in Chinatown, etc. Plaintiff lawyer Jack Lester said that New York City, the state and federal governments did not conduct a proper review to protect citizens with national environmental laws, so hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers will be adversely affected by the environment, traffic jams and financial burdens (preceding text is a translation)
(Epoch Times, 2024-01-19)

NEW YORKERS FILE CLASS ACTION SUIT DEMANDING FULL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY ON CONGESTION PRICING TAX Seek Injunction Against Launch of Controversial Program, Scheduled to Begin late Spring; Plaintiffs Include Elected Leaders, Alarmed Citizens from Across the City

MTA hit with third lawsuit to stop congestion pricing The new suit, a class action lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court on Thursday, alleges that the MTA’s environmental assessment is not enough to move forward with the plan which they say will cause more air pollution in already impacted neighborhoods. "This sets us apart from all the other lawsuits [that have] been filed because we represent all New Yorkers from various walks of life in New York City," said Susan Lee, president of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax. Watch the video on YouTube.
(Fox5 News, 2024-01-18)

Con­gestion pricing faces new and updated lawsuits The suit, filed by a group called New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing, claims the Federal Highway Administration ignored the MTA's own environmental assessment that showed increased pollution and traffic on roads like the FDR Drive along the Lower East Side. "We have residents constantly going to the hospital, we have 9/11 respiratory issues in [NYCHA's] Alfred E. Smith [Houses] alone," said Aixa Torres, president of the Al Smith Residents Association. "The upper spectrum of the NYCHA residents [has] asthma. And so now, we're going to have a parking lot."
(NY1 News, 2024-01-18)

Lower East Side residents are the latest to file lawsuit against NYC's controversial congestion pricing plan Lower East Side resident Trevor Holland was one of many sign-carrying protestors worrying about the increase in pollution caused by congestion pricing, which will charge drivers steep fees to drive into Manhattan's Central Business District below 60th Street. "The MTA lies when it says that congestion pricing will have a positive impact on the Central Business District, and that it will help the environment. Their own environmental impact statement shows it will increase pollutants in this very community," Lower East Side resident Lee Berman said. Direct link to video clip
(CBS News New York, 2024-01-18)

City Council caucus backs lawsuit against congestion pricing Other plaintiffs include Queens Assemblyman David Weprin, retired state judge and former council member Kathryn Freed and the New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax coalition. The lawsuit argues that New Yorkers "will suffer negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences" as a result of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's plan to toll drivers entering Manhattan south of 60th Street due to "issues left unexamined or unresolved by virtue of Defendants' unlawfully abbreviated and truncated environmental review process."
(Crains, 2024-01-18)

Congestion pricing | MTA hit with third lawsuit from conservative group seeking to stop Manhattan toll plan "This is an insult to our dignity and our right to a healthy environment," said Trevor Holland, a Two Bridges resident and plaintiff, who said residents in the area suffer increased rates of asthma and cardiovascular disease due to FDR traffic and city agency depots near their homes. "The MTA’s plan will only worsen our health and our quality of life. To add insult to injury, the MTA offers absolutely no financial mitigation whatsoever."
(The Villager (amNY), 2024-01-18)

The third city entrance fee class action lawsuit: requires a comprehensive study of the environmental impact of congestion fee tax Litigation lawyer Jack Lester said that almost every major project in New York requires environmental impact research, but the MTA has found a way to avoid these requirements because it does not want the public to know the real impact of its plan. Unlike other lawsuits, this is indeed a lawsuit representing all residents of New York City, not a lawsuit of a specific geographical area or hierarchy. (preceding text is a translation)
(Sing Tao USA, 2024-01-18)

NYC Drivers Declare War on MTA, Sue to Stop European-Style Congestion Charging New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax have declared that newly passed congestion pricing laws are an undue financial burden on the city's commuters. Furthermore, the group proclaims a comprehensive environmental impact study detailing the impact of congestion charging on every aspect of the effects to be conducted before any such laws are put into practice. (This story also links to a Fox5New video)
(Auto Evolution, 2024-01-18)

NYC congestion pricing: Residents sue MTA over congestion toll (via YouTube)The lawsuit being filed today argues that some of the assumptions underlying congestion pricing, like the idea that everyone in Manhattan is wealthy and has access to mass transit are fallacies. Today plaintiffs from all five boroughs will file a federal class action lawsuit demanding that a complete environmental impact study be done before congestion pricing is implemented. The Plaintiffs hail from a group called New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, a merger of several anti-congestion pricing groups from across the the City
(Fox5 News, 2024-01-18)

Lower East Side residents sue MTA over $15 congestion toll, claiming it will create a traffic nightmare Plaintiff Daniel Bazzetta, owner of Peter Jarema Funeral Home, said "I can't put a dead body on a bus."...Other plaintiffs in the suit, expected to be filed Thursday, include New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax, retired state Judge Kathryn Freed, an East Sider who lives near the FDR Drive; Baruch Weiss, owner of East Side Glatt Kosher Butcher Shop; residents from the Two Bridges Neighborhood, Chinatown dessert maker Ricky Yang as well as elected officials including Councilman Robert Holden and Assemblyman David Weprin from Queens
(NY Post, 2024-01-17)

MTA installs cameras to track $15 congestion tolls, sparking concerns program will move to toll-free highways "It's the old game of 'bait and switch'. Wanna bet that after a year, the MTA will go to the state legislature and say they need more money and the best way to get it is to put the congestion pricing toll on the FDR Drive and the West Side Highway?" one source who noticed the new detection equipment said.
(NY Post, 2024-01-14)

Congressman Pat Ryan Slams MTA for 'Unfair, Uninformed, and Unacceptable' Congestion Pricing Plan, Demands MTA Hold In-Person Hearings in Hudson Valley (include Ryan's letter to MTA Chief Executive Officer Janno Lieber and MTA Construction and Development President Jamie Torres-Springer)

HYPOCRISY HUNT: GROUP CALLS ON MTA TO RELEASE LIST OF THOSE GIVEN FREE E-ZPASSES, BUS, TRAIN AND SUBWAY RIDES "How Many MTA Employees are Exempt from Congestion Tax, Bus, Train, and Subway Fares, Mr. Lieber?"

NYC teachers' union, Staten Island Borough President sue to stop MTA congestion pricing NYC teachers and the Staten Island borough president are suing to stop the MTA's congestion pricing plan, saying it will punish teachers, firefighters and other city workers who commute to Manhattan (Read the lawsuit)
(Daily News, 2024-01-04)

UFT, Staten Island borough president sue to block congestion pricing The lawsuit is the latest in a series calling for a more thorough environmental review of the program’s impact on surrounding areas. (Read the lawsuit)
(City&State, 2024-01-04)

New York City teachers union, Staten Island sue to halt congestion pricing UFT president Michael Mulgrew said, "All it does is move the pollution from midtown and downtown Manhattan to some of our most challenged areas." (Read the lawsuit)
(Newsday, 2024-01-04)

Stand-up comedian says con­gestion pricing is not a joke for his career Tony Dabas says he is spending $1,400 a month on just gas and tolls.
(NY1 News, 2023-12-28)

It's a song sung blue: A Broadway producer is so opposed to congestion pricing that he'll refund the still-non-existent toll to see his show Ken Davenport produces the Neil Diamond "jukebox" Broadway musical. A Beautiful Noise
(Streetsblog, 2023-12-27)

OP-ED: "Congestion pricing isn't really about congestion" by State Senator Patricia Canzoneri- Fitzpatrick (R, 9th S.D.): "This regressive taxation policy will continue to allow the MTA to pick our pockets..."
(Long Island Herald, 2023-12-21)


Long Island Republicans blast MTA's congestion pricing plan Republican lawmakers on Long Island say the plan to charge drivers who travel into Manhattan will hurt commuters and small businesses
(WSHU Radio, 2023-12-11)

NYC's $15 congestion toll bad for Broadway shows, rep says: ‘Just another impediment says Cristyne Nicholas, chairwoman of the Broadway Association, which represents the theater district and the Business Improvement Districts for Times Square and Midtown
(New York, 2023-12-10)

MANHATTAN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE: LEADING DEVELOPER Recovery Will Take at Least Four More Years; Congestion Pricing Tax Will Delay Rebound; New York Can’t Afford: Group

Congestion pricing would fuel pollution on Lower East Side Op-Ed by former Justice & City Council Member Kathryn Freed
(The Village Sun, 2023-12-03)


Statement from Governor Murphy on Preliminary Recommendations by the Traffic Mobility Review Board Regarding Congestion Pricing Tolling Scheme "This plan is neither fair nor equitable"

LONDON OFFICIALS CAUGHT FABRICATING CONGESTION PRICING TAX EMISSION BENEFITS Follows Study Showing INCREASED Traffic in London's Residential Neighborhoods. New Yorkers Being Sold Bill of Goods: Group

CONGESTION PRICING TAX WON'T STOP WITH MANHATTAN; EXPECT IT EVERYWHERE SOON AFTER, SAYS PRO-TAX POLICY EXPERT Cost of Congestion Tax to Rise Over Time, with One Prominent Supporter Dreaming of $100 Tax! Will "Unlock the Holy Grail of Transportation Pricing"

MTA honcho dogged by allegations of more potential conflicts of interest involving real estate holdings “If he has a 3 percent stake in 4 World Trade Center and he was overseeing taxpayer investment in such a way that it increased his equity in 4 World Trade Center, that’s a massive problem, that’s a massive conflict of interest,” [Transport Workers Union President John] Samuelsen said.
(Daily News, 2023-10-13)

PUBLIC DESERVES ANSWERS FROM PROFLIGATE MTA Where Is All Our Money Going? Group Calls on MTA Chairman to Give Full Accounting

Nonsensical Congestion Pricing Tax Carve Outs Would Benefit Wealthier New Yorkers Over Working Class Drivers Statement by Keep NYC Free

Rep. Anthony D'Esposito Mailer - Fighting to End the Congestion Pricing Commuter Tax

MTA BURNING CASH ON CONSULTANTS AND OVERENGINEERED MEGAPROJECTS WHILE NEW YORKERS GET SOCKED WITH REGRESSIVE $23 CONGESTION PRICING TAX: GROUP  "Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams could produce far more revenue for MTA upgrades simply by running the agency competently."
Enough Capital Project Waste to Float $15 Billion in Borrowing and Nix Congestion Pricing Tax


Yonkers City Council passes resolution against NYC's congestion pricing plan calls on the MTA & Federal Highway Administration to halt the toll-tax scheme.
(News12 Westchester, 2023-09-12)

Read the testimonies presented at the August 17, 2023 City Council Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing

Congestion pricing will fuel further flight from New York writes Rep. Anthony Desposito (R-NY) in Op-Ed.
(Long Island Herald, 2023-09-07)

Read the testimonies presented at the August 17, 2023 City Council Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing on Congestion Pricing and the MTA's Fiscal Future from Dr. Thomas Chan of the Chinatown & Little Italy Coalition for No Congestion Tax and Michele Birnbaum of The Coalition in Opposition to Congestion Pricing

Midtown East Against Traffic Tax An Open Letter to the Traffic Mobility Review Board
(2023-07-27; posted 2023-12-02)

New York & New Jersey officials, labor leaders lead bipartisan rally against congestion pricing Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) & Anthony Desposito (R-NY)
(CBS News New York, 2023-07-08)

Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing City Council Hearing: Congestion Pricing and the MTA's Fiscal Future, Thurs, Aug. 17, 10:00 a.m.

Ex-Gov. David Paterson blasts congestion pricing as unwarranted, warns it will choke NY; Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella will also sue to block it.
(NY Post, 2023-07-23)

Chinatown & Little Italy Coalition for No Congestion Tax rally outside MTA before meeting of the so-called Traffic Mobility Review Board
(YouTube, 2023-07-19)

Chinatown & Little Italy organize to fight Congestion pricing; gathering of Chinatown & Little Italy Coalition for No Congestion Tax held at Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
(YouTube, 2023-07-06)

NYC congestion pricing swindle approved. Why can't Hochul, MTA tell us how much it's going to cost? (opinion) by Tom Wrobleski
(Staten Island Advance, 2023-06-29)

CONGESTION PRICING TAX WILL SET PRECEDENT; Five Things to Expect: "Once This Tax Goes Through It Will Be Open Season on Drivers Across the State."

Assembly Member David Weprin statement on Congestion Pricing

Congestion pricing scheme is just another pothole on the road to NYC's ruin by Michael Goodwin
(NY Post Op-ed, 2023-06-27)

NJ Gov. Murphy lawyers up to block New York congestion pricing toll plan
(NY Post, 2023-06-27)

"Canadian Wildfires Causing Asthma Emergencies in Low-Income New York City Communities……SO WILL CONGESTION PRICING TAX; New York City, New York State, and the Biden Administration know this, but couldn’t seem to care less."

Congestion Pricing Taxes Requires a Full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free letter to USDOT & Federal Highway Administration


UBER, SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTOR TO MANHATTAN TRAFFIC, TO GET SPECIAL BREAK ON TAXPAYER PUNISHING CONGESTION PRICING TAX "The odious Congestion Pricing Tax - it could easily be called The Uber/Lyft Tax - is quickly becoming a handout to wealthy Uber and Lyft riders at the expense of outer-borough, lower income, and minority New Yorkers living in transit deserts."

This plan will punish NYC drivers and residents
(NY Daily News (Voice of the People), 2023-05-22)

Fare evaders cost MTA $690M last year. Stop them before ripping off drivers with NYC congestion pricing by Tom Wrobleski
(Staten Island Advance (opinion), 2023-05-21)

NYC congestion pricing: How much more might Staten Islanders pay under controversial program? Staten Islanders could pay hundreds more each month to drive into Manhattan's Central Business District once congestion pricing is implemented.
(Staten Island Advance, 2023-05-21)


NJ Sens. Bob Menendez & Corey Booker urge US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pursue a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) instead of the current EA (Environmental Assessment) and FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact for Congestion Pricing

NJ Sen. Bob Menendez intros fed bill to kill congestion pricing: 'This is a no-win for our state'; the "Stop NJ Congestion Act," would slash federal highway dollars in New York in half, give New Jersey a seat at the table and veto power for any future congestion pricing proposal.
(1010 WINS Radio, 2023-05-15)

Congestion pricing will hurt Downtown’s economy: Chinatown and other neighborhoods will suffer if there is a new fee placed on cars NY Daily News Op-ed by City Council Disrict 1 candidate Susan Lee: "The cost will fall most heavily on those least able to pay, whether they live outside the zone and drive in for medical appointments, or are low-income residents within the zone, including senior citizens who have aged in place and whose children have moved to other boroughs and beyond and would be dissuaded from visiting."

'A problematic result for poor people': NYC congestion pricing opponents make latest pushback; new sources of revenue -- the increased payroll tax, estimated revenue from incoming city casinos and fare hikes -- provide more than enough funding for the MTA
(Staten Island Advance, 2023-05-11)

New Jersey representatives vow fight against New York’s ‘cash-grabbing’ congestion pricing plan;Reps. Rob Menendez and Josh Gottheimer said the plan would harm New Jersey communities.
(Politico, 2023-05-10)

New Jersey pols vow to carry on congestion pricing fight as feds greenlight New York plan; Rep. Josh Gottheimer and Rep. Rob Menendez vowed to fight New York's plan for congestion pricing Tuesday at a press conference at the New Jersey entrance to the Holland Tunnel
(NY Daily News, 2023-05-10)

PRESIDENT BIDEN TO LOW-INCOME NEW YORK CITY COMMUNITIES: CHOKE ON SMOKE; Ignores Findings by The Black Institute on Cost of Congestion Pricing Tax on New York Communities of Color

New Jersey Congress Members oppose Congestion Pricing: Reps. Mikie Sherrill, Thomas H. Kean, Jr.; Frank Pallone, Jr; Bill Pascrell, Jr.; Donald M. Payne, Jr.; Jefferson Van Drew; & Bonnie Watson Coleman sign letter to NY Gov. Hochul

Corey B. Bearak, Esq., Senior Policy Advisor for Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free, discusses the proposed Toll-Tax Scheme for Manhattan south of 60th Street on White Plains Week & People to Be Heard (Thursday, April 27, 2023) with White Plains Week Anchor and White Plains CitizeNetReporter Publisher John Bailey


"Mockery of the Law" CITY FAILS TO COLLECT BILLION$ FROM SCOFFLAWS; Solution? Create Another Tax


NJ Gov. Murphy warns NYC congestion pricing gives commuters 'excuse to not be in Manhattan'
(NY Post, 2023-03-16)

New bipartisan congressional caucus vows to fight New York's congestion pricing plan
(Politico, 2023-03-16)

New Bi-Partisan Caucus in Congress to Stop Congestion Pricing in its tracks
Four congressmembers from NY and NJ form 'caucus' to kill congestion pricing (Gothamist/WNYC)
Gottheimer, Malliotakis announce new bipartisan Congressional Anti-Congestion Tax Caucus (WRNJ Radio); and
Congressman Lawler Joins Gottheimer, Malliotakis, and Kean to Form Bipartisan Anti-Congestion Tax Caucus (news release)

Congestion Pricing Protests Collide On The Upper East Side A rally to protest congestion pricing at Tramway Plaza drew supporters -- and detractors -- from all over the city.
(Patch, 2023-03-15)

Con­gestion pricing critic fears measure will displace Manhattan traffic Andrew Fine, an Upper East Side resident who opposes the policy and vice president of the East 86th Street Association, told "Mornings on 1" host Pat Kiernan that congestion pricing will lead to more trouble outside the tolling area.
(Spectrum News NY1, 2023-03-13)

Keep NYC Free comments at Stop Congestion Pricing Rally Comments by Corey Bearak, Senior Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Free at Protest to Repeal and Defeat Congestion Pricing! at Tram Plaza across from the Edward I. Koch Queensboro Bridge
(2023-03-12; updated 2023-03-18)

COMPTROLLER DINAPOLI CALLS FOR EFFICIENCIES -- RATHER THAN TOLL HIKES -- FOR NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORITY; "The Thruway Authority's toll increase proposal comes at a time of extraordinary challenges for New Yorkers who are faced with rising costs for everything from food to shelter to gas. Raising tolls should be the last option, and the Thruway has more work to do." Same Must Apply to MTA: Group

CITY BUDGET SURPLUS HITS $4.9 BILLION; +$8.9 BILLION FOR THE STATE Send Money to MTA and Kill Congestion Pricing Tax Nightmare: Group

Suburban Members of Congress Take on Congestion Pricing U.S. Representative Mike Lawler (R, NY-17) and U.S. Representative Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5), explain why they are against the congestion pricing plan, which would charge drivers heading into Manhattan below 60th Street
(The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC Radio, 2023-02-06)

Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing MTA Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 31, 10:00 a.m.


Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) Slams Proposed MTA Congestion Pricing on the House Floor
(Forbes Breaking News via YouTube, 2023-01-24)

Bipartisan bill aims to stop New York City's congestion pricing plan: "New York City and the MTA are playing Russian roulette with their economy, and are willing to stick it to all of those hard-working commuters from Jersey, the outer boroughs, and the New York City suburbs, like my friend Congressman Lawler represents, with their absurd $23 a day Congestion Tax plan," (Congressman Josh) Gottheimer said.
(WABC Eyewitness News, 2023-01-19)

Toll foes target MTA's federal funding: A bill from Congressmen Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey and Michael Lawler of New York would hold hostage the MTA’s federal funding for big projects, unless the MTA exempts a large swath of commuters entering Manhattan. If not, drivers would get tax breaks equal to tolls paid to drive into Manhattan.
(Spectrum NY1 News, 2023-01-19)

NJ Democrat joins NY Republicans in congressional effort to sink NYC's congestion pricing: "The bill would freeze $2 billion in federal funding for the MTA, block funding for the transit agency’s capital projects and give drivers a federal tax credit at the end of the year if they pay congestion fees." [Sponsored by New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D) & Staten Island & South Brooklyn Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R) & Rockland County Rep. Mike Lawler (R)]
(Gothamist, 2023-01-19)

New York, New Jersey lawmakers teaming up in fight against congestion pricing. Congressmen Josh Gottheimer, a New Jersey Democrat, and Mike Lawler, a New York Republican proposed anti-congestion pricing tax act includes reducing federal dollars going towards the MTA and giving drivers a tax credit if congestion pricing goes through.
(CBS New York, 2023-01-19)

New demands for MTA reform after Post reveals $400M LIRR waste: 'No blank check' NY Post series revealed how mismanagement....result in the nation’s highest fares, limit service and consume funding that could otherwise support subway and bus service.
(NY Post, 2023-01-18)

STUDY: CONGESTION PRICING TAX WOULD HIT MINORITY COMMUNITIES HARDEST ‘Just Call It a Black and Brown Toll’ Released by The Black Institute

MTA set to pay nearly $3 billion for old, overweight LIRR, Metro-North cars (DO THE MATH!) "Officials are still pushing ahead even though federal officials OK'd the regulatory overhaul -- known as alternative compliance -- which allows railroads like the LIRR and Metro-North to operate train cars commonly used in Europe with only tiny modifications."
(NY Post, 2023-01-17)

Crazy train: MTA, LIRR let $385M fly off the rails, beg Hochul bailout Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski (D-Rockland), chairman of the committee that oversees the MTA says "the answer cannot only be new revenue sources."
(NY Post, 2023-01-16)

MTA's congestion pricing plan may impact people of color: report according to a new report "Just Call It A Black and Brown Toll"
(PIX11 Morning News, 2023-01-13)

‘Abject failure,’ Councilman Borelli takes latest shot at UK congestion pricing as NYC program looms
(Staten Island Advance, 2023-01-12)

SHRINKING OFFICE VALUES IN MANHATTAN BUSINESS DISTRICTS WILL PUT ADDED PRESSURES ON NEW YORK CITY AND STATE BUDGETS: GROUP Congestion Pricing Tax Could Cost More Than It Would Bring In. "The ivory-tower geniuses who came up with Congestion Pricing Tax never considered the effects it would have on lower-income New York families."

Uber, Lyft deserve congestion toll as the 'real' cause of NYC traffic, ex-DOT boss says;"app-based for-hire vehicles account for 43.9% of Midtown Manhattan traffic" & are "real cause of congestion"
(NY Post, 2023-01-04)

Congressman-elect Mike Lawler takes aim at congestion pricing; wants congestion pricing declared null and void; calls it "a money grab"
(CBS New York, 2023-01-03)


Staten Island City Council members want public to have its say on congestion pricing [view the legislation]
(Staten Island Advance, 2022-12-12)

Rep. Josh Gottheimer ramps up fight against congestion pricing plan A New Jersey congressman is ramping up his fight against New York's congestion pricing plan.
(CBS New York, 2022-12-09)

NJ lawmaker announces legislation to fight congestion pricing plan Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey is fighting New York City's proposed congestion pricing plan by introducing legislation to withhold money from the MTA if they move forward with the plan.
(FOX5NY, 2022-12-09)



Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing MTA Board Meeting, Wednesday, November 30, 10:00 a.m.
(2022-10-30; updated 2022-11-28)

STATEMENT BY KEEP NYC CONGESTION TAX FREE ON 47% MANHATTAN BUSINESS DISTRICT OFFICE OCCUPANCY RATE "New York would be foolish to move forward with a Congestion Pricing Tax that would further discourage Manhattan office workers from returning to their desks on a daily basis, resulting in mass tax revenue losses to both the City and State."

CONGESTION PRICING TAX WILL LEAVE NEW YORK CITY KIDS BREATHLESS: GROUP: Even More Asthma Inducing Particulate Matter to Move to Low-Income Communities

GROUP CALLS FOR INDEPENDENT AUDIT OF NEW YORK MTA: "Before New York imposes yet another new tax -- the highly controversial Congestion Pricing Tax — it needs to account for what it's done with the billions in taxpayer funding it’s already received."

Congestion Pricing Toll-Tax Scheme Requires a Full Environmental Impact Statement Before Proceeding Testimony before MTA Board by Corey Bearak, Senior Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Free
Watch Corey's testimony (on YouTube)

Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing MTA Board Meeting, Wednesday, October 26, 10:00 a.m.

Don’t Overlook Disabled New Yorkers in Congestion Pricing Plan by NYC-based disability rights advocate Rebecca Lamorte: "In its current form, the state's congestion pricing plan falls short of meaningfully addressing impacts on New York's disabled community-a community the MTA has neglected for decades."
(City Limits Op-Ed, 2022-10-19)

Lee Zeldin hits Kathy Hochul on congestion tolls... "If you want more people to be using public transportation, the answer isn't to punish people into using public transportation more - it's to improve their ridership experience," Zeldin said.
(NY Post, 2022-10-17)

MTA officials for years misled the public about delays, cost overruns in long-stalled project to bring LIRR to Grand Central "...transit officials kept three sets of books tracking the [East Side Access] project's cost and progress."
View the cover
(Sunday NY Daily News, 2022-10-16)

Queens-based businesses express concerns over impact of congestion pricing plan
(QNS, 2022-10-14)

Congestion pricing killing NYC's iconic yellow cabs: 'This is the final nail in the coffin' "The MTA proposal for congestion pricing will bring the yellow taxi closer to extinction, experts say."
View the cover
(NY Post, 2022-10-12)

NYC Congestion Pricing "Comes at the Expense' of New Jersey
"New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy threw up another potential hurdle to block Manhattan traffic-congestion pricing with an inquiry into the potential revenue hit to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey."
(Bloomberg, 2022-10-11)

Yellow Cabs Are Struggling. Congestion Pricing Could Deal a New Blow.
"The tolling program could push up fares and shrink taxi demand, the M.T.A. says. Cabdrivers are also seeking their own fare hike of up to 23 percent."
(NY Times, 2022-10-11)

NJ Gov. Murphy asks Biden to block NYC congestion pricing: 'We will not relent'
"The Garden State governor said he asked Biden to require an environmental impact statement for the program"
(NY Daily News, 2022-10-06)

New Jersey Governor Seeks to Slow New York's Congestion Pricing Effort
"He asked that the federal government complete a full environmental impact study before the new tolls are implemented"
(NY Times, 2022-10-06)

NYC congestion pricing becomes a strategic campaign issue for Republican candidates
"Republican lawmakers are making sure a controversial New York City congestion pricing plan remains a hot-button political issue as the general election approaches."
(The Legislative Gazette, 2022-10-04)

“Let's be honest about congestion pricing” says former NYCDOT Commissioner in NY Daily News Op-Ed
(2022-09-28, posted 2022-10-07)

(NJ Governor) Murphy asks feds to pump brakes on congestion pricing tolling plan "an Environmental Impact Statement should be conducted"
(, 2022-09-23)

(Mayor) Eric Adams says NYC being railroaded into congestion pricing backed by Kathy Hochul: "How is this going to impact a high asthma district and make sure we aren't being unfair to the outer boroughs?"
(NY Post, 2022-09-22)

“Hey, Democrats: New Yorkers aren't ATM machines” Op-Ed by NYS Assembly Member Michael Lawler in NY Post

Con­gestion pricing faces more criticism, MTA chief defends plan If Miss Jones must come into Manhattan — low-income New Yorker — to get her cancer treatment, should we just ignore that fact and say you're going to pay the same price as those who drive because of luxury?" (Mayor Eric) Adams said."
(NY1News, 2022-09-21)

Keep NYC Free Senior Advisor Corey Bearak discusses Congestion Pricing on Real Estate Problems Into Profits; starting at 5:38 Corey discusses Congestion Tax with host Andrew Weltchek

Manhattan Garage Owners Worry There Won’t Be Enough Cars to Go Around After Congestion Pricing "Rafael Llopiz, president of the Metropolitan Parking Association, a trade group representing close to 800 garages and lots, told THE CITY that implementation of congestion pricing could send “thousands of cars” into the streets directly north of 60th Street to use the 52 parking garages there."
(THE CITY, 2022-09-15)

MTA Board member David Mack's letter advising not right time to implement the (Congestion Tax) plan
(2022-09-13; posted 2022-09-14)

Bipartisan group of lawmakers stumps to oppose congestion pricing (Scroll down to view 2022-09-09 letter signed by 20 elected officials)
(Crains, 2022-09-13)

Citing negative reports, group of legislators turn up heat on Gov. Hochul over her congestion pricing support
(WCBS News, 2022-09-12)

Lawmakers opposing congestion pricing push Hochul to withdraw support for plan Lawmakers from across the aisle stand together to oppose congestion pricing on the steps of City Hall (Scroll down to view 2022-09-09 letter signed by 20 elected officials)
(POLITICSNY, 2022-09-12)

Council Minority Leader Joe's Borelli's Bi-Partisan sign-on letter asking Gov. to withdraw her support for Congestion Pricing 20 electeds - 10 Dems, 10 GOP - say Tax Scheme benefits "Being Oversold," call Spillover Traffic "Devastating," toll-tax is "Regressive," could have "Disastrous Health Impacts" & is not a "Budget Unicorn."
other Signers: Member of Congress Nicole Malliotakis, Senator Simcha Felder, Andrew Lanza & Diane Savino, Assembly Members Michael Cusick, Charles Fall, Simcha Eichenstein, Nikki Lukas, Michael Reilly & Michael Tannousis, & Council Members Joanne Ariola, David Carr, Kamillah Hanks, Robert Holden, Ari Kagan, Vickie Palladino, Inna Vernikow & Kalman Yeger.
(2022-09-09; posted 2022-09-13)

Make Yourself Heard on Congestion Pricing Testify -- through Sept. 23 -- on the Environmental Assessment ("EA" -- includes links to the EA and submitting comments)
(2022-08-08; updated 2022-09-09)

Congestion pricing plans threaten Midtown's recovery op-ed by NYC Hospitality Alliance counsel Robert Bookman & executive director Andrew Rigie in Crains

Spare the Bronx in congestion plan Keep NYC Free comments on Rep. Ritchie Torres Daily News op-ed

City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams questions Environmental Assessment letter notes "too many neighborhoods...with limited transportation options beyond a reliance on automobiles"
(letter to Environmental Justice Stakeholders Working Group, 2022-09-08)

Congestion Pricing: nothing more than a tax scheme; fails on every level

Chinatown doesn't want Congestion Pricing The Alliance for Community Preservation and Betterment says, "Congestion Pricing is a regressive tax on the working class. It is a punitive, greedy money grab that fractures NYC's Chinatown community and burdens our struggling businesses and workers."

1/2 of what they seek from Congestion Tax MTA loses to Fare Evasion! See MTA, NYPD struggle to rein in rising fare evasion on NYC buses and subways -- "There's no enforcement"
(Daily News, 2022-09-06)

An example of one of the many testimonies submitted v. Congestion Pricing at the August hearings (posted originally to the NYC Families Against Congestion Pricing Facebook page

For-hire companies say congestion pricing plan will be 'devastating'
(Newsday, 2022-09-04)

News story notes many electeds opposing congestion pricing (Rep. Lee Zeldin who is running for Governor, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, & opponent Assemblyman Mike Lawler, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis & opponent former Rep. Max Rose, former Sen. Jack Martins) NY Republicans campaigning against Midtown congestion toll plan
(New York Post, 2022-09-04)

Congestion pricing targets the wrong vehicle "private vehicles should be completely exempt from congestion pricing, the costs of which should be borne by commercial interests since it is their vehicles causing 90% of the congestion"
(Daily News Voice of the People, 2022-09-01)

No lack of opinions on congestion tolls nothing more than a tax scheme...(congestion pricing) "fails on every level."
(Queens Chronicle, 2022-09-01)

New tolls won’t works "congestion pricing will not increase service levels or lower fares, and not all the funds will go to MTA capital projects"
(Queens Chronicle Letters to the editor, 2022-09-01)

Many must avoid transit "this is the worst possible time to even consider implementing congestion pricing"
(Queens Chronicle Letters to the editor, 2022-09-01)

Congestion pricing plan misses the mark on equity Op-ed by Rev. Kirsten Foy, president & CEO of the Arc of Justice
(Daily News, 2022-08-31)

Congressman calls NYC congestion toll plan 'insane.' Business group says N.J. is left out. Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce & Rep. Josh Gottheimer oppose
(, 2022-08-31)

New York State Messenger Courier Association opposes congestion pricing at "EA Central Business District Tolling Program Public Hearing" by Larry Zogby, President
Watch Larry's testimony
(2022-08-29, posted 2022-11-03)

Manhattan Chamber raises serious concerns about congestion pricing plan Chamber CEO Jessica Walker testifies for 100,000 businesses
(YouTube, 2022-08-29)

We can't burden small businesses with congestion pricing Queens Chamber President/CEO Tom Grech opines to AMNY

Testimony at "EA Central Business District Tolling Program Public Hearing" -- Regressive Toll Tax Not Best Way to Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion -- by Corey Bearak, Senior Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Free
Watch Corey's testimony on YouTube

MTA Congestion Pricing Hearings Begin, Rocklanders Urged To Protest County Executive Ed Day, State Sen. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick and Assemblymembers Mike Lawler & Kenneth Zebrowski are among many public officials who have held news briefings to alert the public to the issue
(Patch, 2022-08-25)

The MTA admits congestion pricing won’t cut traffic everywhere — but will do it anyway op-ed by Nicole Gelinas adapted from City Journal: "The environmental review predicts the Bronx will see more traffic, not less, under congestion pricing (as will Staten Island)"
(New York Post, 2022-08-25)

MTA Congestion Pricing Hearings Begin, Rocklanders Urged To Protest County Executive Ed Day, State Sen. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick and Assemblymembers Mike Lawler & Kenneth Zebrowski are among many public officials who have held news briefings to alert the public to the issue
(Patch, 2022-08-25)

(NJ Gov.) Murphy vows to kill congestion pricing if NJ drivers have to pay twice
(CBS2 News, 2022-08-17; posted 2022-08-21)

Reichlin-Melnick and Zebrowski Slam Congestion Pricing Plan as Unfair for Rockland, Plan Legislative Fix also: Haverstraw Town Supervisor Howard Phillips, Town Councilmember John J. Gould, Town Councilmember Isidro Cancel, and Haverstraw Village Deputy Mayor Gil Carlevaro
(Rockland News, 2022-08-24; posted 2023-01-19)

NYC congestion pricing plan could mean $120 trips for some drivers Municipal Market Analytics’s Matt Fabian and Lisa Washburn say "The state should be showing its funding alternatives ASAP"
(Bloomberg, 2022-08-21; posted 2022-09-14)

Long Island GOP rallies against congestion pricing plan
(WSHU Public Radio, 2022-08-17)

'Blindsided' Bronx, Staten Island, Jersey lawmakers rip MTA congestion pricing plans Congress Members Ritchie Torres (BX), Nicole Malliotakis (SI)& Josh Gottheimer (NJ)
(New York Post, 2022-08-15)

Bronx Congressman Ritchie Torres slams congestion pricing for diverting trucks to Cross Bronx Expressway
(amNY, 2022-08-15)

Congestion plan looks like a lemon, no apple
(Newsday Letters, 2022-08-15)

Reps. Gottheimer (D-Wyckoff, NJ), Malliotakis (R-Staten Island) slam congestion pricing at bipartisan press conference
(New Jersey Post, 2022-08-15)

Rep. Lee Zeldin calls Congestion Pricing a "failed policy that will only deepen the economic pain which so many hardworking New Yorkers are already experiencing."
(New York Post op-ed, 2022-08-15)

"Congestion pricing isn't just an economic issue, it is basically a cultural and social one," says Gov. David Paterson to interviewer John Catsimitidis, "and I think we lose in the end because nobody is going to pay those prices, they will find some place else to go"
(77WABC Cats Roundtable, 2022-08-14; posted 2022-08-15)

NYC Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli: Gov. Hochul and the Manhattan-toll-pushing crowd couldn’t care less about outer-borough workers
(New York Post op-ed, 2022-08-13)

Congestion pricing sparks parking concerns for Manhattan residents
(CBS2News, 2022-08-12; posted 2022-08-15)

This 'congestion pricing' plan could kill NYC's economy for good; New York Post editorial calls it out as a "highly regressive" tax

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-Wyckoff) announces legislation to combat NYC congestion pricing
(New Jersey Post, 2022-08-11; posted 2022-08-15)

Rockland officials upset with MTA's congestion pricing plan (News12 Hudson Valley)
(2022-08-10; posted 2022-08-11)

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis: Congestion pricing is unproven, ineffective and costly for New Yorkers (Op-Ed, Staten Island Advance)
(2022-08-08; posted 2022-08-10)

Can 10 politicians be wrong on Mack? Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman writes, "(MTA Board Member David) Mack’s latest vote against congestion pricing was heroic. He was fighting for everyday people who can’t afford to pay a tax just to drive in New York City." (Letters to the Editor, Newsday)
(2022-08-05; posted 2022-08-10)

(NJ Gov.) Murphy tells top fed (Sec. Buttigieg): NYC congestion pricing - not going to happen if N.J. "double taxed"(NJ.COM)
(2022-08-01; posted 2022-08-02)

Hudson Valley senator calls for delay to MTA’s congestion pricing policy: State Sen. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick is calling on the MTA to delay its plan (News12 Hudson Valley)

Keep NYC Free to President & Governor on "wrong and foolhardy" congestion pricing: "stop this idiocy dead in its tracts"

Bipartisan effort in Congress to block Congestion Pricing Reps. Gottheimer (D-NJ-5) and Malliotakis (R-NY-11) introduce legislation to require economic impact analysis
(2022-07-13; posted 2022-07-28)

2 members of Congress blast NYC congestion pricing plan Reps. Gottheimer (D-NJ-5) and Malliotakis (R-NY-11) say a plan for congestion pricing for Manhattan is simply a money grab that will hurt lower and middle class workers and could make yearly commutes into the city cost $20,000.
(Good Day NewYork, 2022-07-21; posted 2022-08-15)

Limousine liberals won't be hit by congestion pricing -- but middle-class New Yorkers will By City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli
(2022-07-06; posted 2022-07-07)

Mayor Adams Concedes That Congestion Pricing Tax Will Badly Hurt Low-Income New Yorkers; Will Inhibit Revitalization of Income-Producing City Business Districts: Group

Candidates for Governor Agree: Congestion Pricing Tax Needs to be Delayed or Outright Repealed; Post-Covid Manhattan Can’t Afford It

State Comptroller Reports $5.5 Billion in Excess Revenue; (Keep NYC Free) Civic/ Business Group Knows the Smartest Way to Spend It

Statement from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Spokesman Joshua Bienstock: Common sense suggests investing excess dollars to repeal Congestion Pricing Tax paywall


Corey B. Bearak, Esq., Senior Policy Advisor for Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free, discusses the proposed Toll-Tax Scheme for Manhattan south of 60th Street on White Plains Week (Friday, April 8, 2022) & People to Be Heard (Thursday, April 14, 2022) with White Plains Week Anchor and White Plains CitizeNetReporter Publisher John Bailey

Why UBER Wants Congestion Tax UBER wants driving for regular folks so expensive to drive them to use it (Keep NYC Free comments and shares New York Post article, Uber ‘taking advantage’ of unsafe NYC with astronomical fares: outraged riders)

KEEP NYC CONGESTION TAX FREE STATEMENT ON $2.16 Billion More Reasons Congestion Pricing Tax Isn't Needed; Will Hurt City Communities, Delay Revitalization Efforts


Congestion pricing is coming to NYC -- though London shows it's a disaster By City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli
(2022-03-16; posted 2022-03-21)

CASINOS? REVITALIZATION? RESIDENTIAL ZONING? Plans for Manhattan Stymied by Congestion Pricing Tax: Group


MTA aka "WASTE" Transit Agency Seeking to Tax Us More Spends & Spends


THINK TRAFFIC IN THE BOROUGHS IS BAD NOW? Congestion Pricing Tax Would Make It Even Worse; Ask London; "A congestion pricing tax never made sense for New York, but in today’s reality it would constitute government malpractice."

CONGESTION TOLL-TAX DISCOURAGES NEEDED REINVESTMENT IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT Why Go Ahead With Congestion Pricing When The Priority Must Be to Encourage Re-Investment in Envisioned Toll Tax Zone?


Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free queries Where are New York Gubernatorial Candidates on Controversial NYC Congestion Pricing Tax? Primaries Just Seven Months Away

New Yorkers Sound Off: Why Go Ahead With Congestion Pricing When MTA Just Had $25 Billion Fall Into Its Lap? WCBS-TV Reporter Marcia Kramer interviews members of the public and public officials
(2021-11-16; posted 2021-11-18)

Statement from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Spokesman Joshua Bienstock on Infrastructure Bill Money

City Council Member-elect Linda Lee speaks States position on Congestion Pricing in City&State interview

Congestion Pricing Not the Answer says former NYCDOT Commissioner Lucious Riccio in Crain's Op-Ed
(2021-11-01; updated 2021-11-03 with direct link to op-ed)

Why Co-Working Spaces Are Betting on the Suburbs Keep NYC Free comments on New York Times report on "Start-ups are betting that the pandemic has spawned a new kind of worker who wants an office space closer to home, without the long commute."

Potential Economic Damage from Congestion Pricing Tax Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

why the NYC Congestion Tax scheme makes no sense to Westchester residents Westchester Eye on the Radio Interviews KeepNYCFree Senior Policy Advisor Corey Bearak (WVOX-AM 1460, October 18, 2021)
(posted 2021-10-21)

Watch the MTA Hearings view the hearings required as part of the federally required environmental review

NYS tax col­lec­tions surge above projects Keep NYC Free comments on State Comptroller report that revenues greatly exceed projections

"the Rideshare Bubble Bursts" Keep NYC Free comments on New York Times Editorial Board member report on a new Carnegie Mellon study punching a hole in another of Uber and Lyft's promised benefits: curtailing pollution and more

"It's not unusual" Keep NYC Free comments on Gotham Gazette opinion piece that disingenuously equates "delay" to environmental racism

COMPTROLLER REPORT FINDINGS SCREAM 'STOP THE CONGESTION PRICING TAX': GROUP "The Comptroller's report is clear: midtown and downtown Manhattan will be struggling to rebound for years; adding a congestion pricing tax on top of existing problems could be disastrous."

NJ commuters vow to fight pending Manhattan congestion tax
(New York Post, 2021-10-09)

Congestion pricing a terrible idea for LI Letter to the editor
(Newsday, 2021-10-07)

No fare! MTA missed out on collecting at least $56M in tolls over 22-month period
(New York Post, 2021-10-07)

Letter to editor to Newsday responding to Oct. 2 editorial, "Give green light to tolling plan

(New Jersey Governor Phil)Murphy Threatens So-Called ‘Nuclear Option’ If N.J. Residents Are Double Charged In NYC’s Congestion Pricing Plan
(CBS New York, 2021-10-03)

Testimony of Zach Miller, New York Truck Stop
(2021-09-30; posted 2021-11-06)

$35 Congestion Pricing Tax? There's a Better Way Statement from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Spokesman Joshua Bienstock on $35 Tax Estimate

“The case against congestion pricing” made by NYS Assembly Member Michael Lawler in NY Sunday News Op-Ed

Testimony of Phil Konigsberg (Bay Terrace {Queens} Community Alliance 2nd Vice President) at the NYC Outer Boroughs Public Meeting
(video {51:10-53:36; 2021-09-23; posted 2021-11-09)

Testimony of Bob Friedrich, President, Glen Oaks Village (Queens, NY)
(2021-09-23; posted 2021-11-06)

Express Your Concerns on the Congestion Tax sign up at any of the virtual MTA Regional or Environmental Hearings

Civic, Business, and Labor Leaders to Governor Hochul: Full Environmental Impact Study Warranted for Health, Economic, Social Risks from Congestion Pricing
(2021-08-24; posted 2021-08-26)

Wrong-way congestion pricing says former NYCDOT Commissioner Lucious Riccio in NY Daily New Op-Ed
(2021-07-25; posted 2021-07-26)

President Biden: user fee burden falls on working class
(2021-07-25; posted 2021-07-26)

Bi-Partisan Legislation Requires Economic Analysis of Congestion Tax; Nicole Maliotakis (R-NY-11) & Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ-5) sponsor H.R. 2476 which would "prohibit the Secretary of Transportation from implementing a congestion pricing program until an economic impact analysis is completed and made available to the public"
(Shorefront News, 2021-05-03; posted 2021-05-10)

"Let's pump the brakes on congestion pricing" (Letter to Crain's from Assembly Member David Weprin)

Go slow on congestion fee Queens Chronicle editorial
(2021-04-01; posted 2021-05-04)

Delay Congestion Pricing to Give Suffering Middle Class New Yorkers a Break Op-Ed by Assembly Member David Weprin
(Gotham Gazette, 2021-04-08)

Crain's: "not the right time for congestion pricing"

Ball of Confusion? KeepNYCFree finds So many questions remain as official pursue a congestion tax scheme

Congestion Pricing and COVID-19: The Last Thing New Yorkers Need Right Now is Another Tax (Long Island Press Op-Ed by NYS Assembly Member Mike LiPetri)
(posted 2020-04-02)

Change in Plans? But Resource Remains Unreliable....So Why?

Why Create a Crisis...….Over Resources? Act Now!

Just Saying...Start-up Delay Make Clear Need to Revisit Resources

Some things never change at the MTA Keep NYC Free comments on "MTA to hire 120 consultants to figure out how to cut 2,700 jobs" (Daily News) & "Union leaders claim MTA job cuts will inflame overtime spending" (NY Post)

App-FHVs increased congestion threaten Public Transit Keep NYC Free Comments on "The Ride-Hail Utopia That Got Stuck in Traffic" (Wall Street Journal, 2020-02-15)

Did MTA "Hide" Required Prior Federal OK Keep NYC Free Comments on "Why congestion pricing might be delayed" (Politico, 2020-02-18)

Still the Same MTA Keep NYC Free Comments on "MTA shrugs at mandate to compare high costs to other transit agencies" (Daily News, 2020-02-10)

Need for Federal OK Prompts Resource Revisit Keep NYC Free Comments on "New York City Congestion Pricing Waits for Federal Approval" (Wall Street Journal, 2020-02-09)

Public $ for Private Gain Keep NYC Free Comments on "New York City's microtransit experiment" (City&State, 2020-02-05)

Unresolved Questions Keep NYC Free Comments on "The unresolved questions on congestion pricing implementation" (City&State, 2020-01-29)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free notes some interesting math involving MTA Overtime & the Congestion Tax See Newsday MTA exceeded its budget on overtime by 26%, despite vowing controls (news article, 2020-01-22)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free responds to New York Post NYC congestion pricing tolls must be set in public, says open government expert (news article, 2020-01-18)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free letter to Daily News on "Write congestion rules in broad daylight" (op-ed, 2020-01-04)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Comments on "Council Speaker Johnson slams MTA preparedness for congestion pricing" (amNewYork)
(2019-12-27, posted 2020-01-02)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Statement on MTA Capital Plan

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Testimony on MTA Capital Plan

Regressive Toll Tax Not Best Way To Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion

Just say No to congestion pricing
(NY Post editorial, 2019-03-20)

Small Business Congress opposes congestion Pricing

Exploiting the crisis at the MTA
(NY Post editorial, 2019-03-10)

A Closer Look at Cuomo's Congestion Pricing Math
(NY1 News, 2019-03-07)

Tax developers, not vehicles
(Daily News op-ed by Eric Uhlfelder, 2019-03-05)

Regressive Toll Tax Hurts Long Island Testimony to the New York State Senate Transportation Committee and Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee

Congestion Pricing Opponents Say Plan Hurts Outer Borough Residents (WCBS 880 radio)

Cuomo's congestion-pricing secrets
(NY Post editorial, 2019-02-22)

Testimony to NYS Senate Standing Committees On Corporations, Authorities & Commissions and On Transportation

Don’t back Cuomo’s flawed congestion pricing plan
(NY Post editorial, 2019-02-17)


New York Truck Stop Radio Interview with Assembly Member David Weprin & Keep NYC Free Sr. Policy Advisor Corey Bearak

Regressive Toll Tax Not Best Way To Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion

NYC congestion pricing is this year’s toughest issue: Heastie
(NY Post, 2019-01-24)

Wall St. tax eyed to help MTA, housing
(Daily News, 2019-01-22)

Congestion pricing is just the city's next big scam
(New York Post op-ed by Michael Goodwin, 2019-01-16)

Sometimes folks forget what they enacted

Eastern Queens lawmakers slam latest congestion pricing plan as undue ‘burden’ on residents
(TimesLedger, 2018-12-21)

Battle lines forming on congestion pricing -- "A Middle Class Tax"
(Queens Chronicle, 2018-12-20)

Non-Sensical Regressive Toll-Tax Offers Nothing But Hurt

Select tweets following the December 16 News Conference

No Merit to Any Argument for Same old failed Toll-Tax

Eastern Queens lawmakers slam latest congestion pricing plan as undue ‘burden’ on residents
(Queens Courier, 2018-12-17; posted 2018-12-20)

Congestion pricing a costly burden for Queens commuters: Lawmakers State Assemb. David Weprin and City Council members Barry Grodenchik and I. Daneek Miller said that East River tolls could cost residents $3,000 a year.
(amNewYork, 2018-12-16)

Queens senator [Leroy Comrie] vows that the MTA will finally be held accountable -- "new sheriff...gunning for the mismanaged MTA!"
(NY Post, 2018-12-16)

Congestion pricing, elitism in action (NY Daily News Op-ed by former Assembly Member Richard Brodsky

On Toll-Tax Speaker Should Look to City Hall for Guidance
(posted 2018-09-18)

Queens Residents Zone Out Congestion Pricing
(Queens Tribune poll; posted 2018-09-05)

Thank you NYS State Senator Leroy Comrie who stated congestion pricing is something that hurts Queens residents during remarks commemorating Queens Day at NYS Senate session
(video, March 20, 2018; posted 2018-03-11)

Zone Pricing (AKA all-at-once unsustainable, unfair, inequitable & regressive toll-tax scheme that also fails to ease congestion)
(Juniper Berry Magazine, March 2018; posted 2018-03-14)

Assembly Plan Charges Congesting App-Based Vehicles Rather logical when Zone Pricing envisions $50 toll-tax? (Well VA. At $46.50)
(posted 2018-03-13)

Q-Poll: New Yorkers Zone Out Congestion Pricing
(posted 2018-02-15)

Zone Pricing AKA all-at-once unsustainable, unfair, inequitable & regressive toll-tax scheme that also fails to ease congestion one policy idea that fails here in just about every way
(posted 2018-02-13)

Congestion pricing hurts the vulnerable; The term itself would wow George Orwell with its euphemistic doublespeak writes former NYC Aging Commissioner Herb Stupp
(Daily News op-ed 2018-02-12)

Empty Bottle report offers Same Old Wine; Orwellian approach Can’t Even “Relieve” Congestion
(posted 2018-02-02)

Just the Same Old Wine An Empty Bottle report Offers Same Old Wine; Orwellian approach Can’t Even “Relieve” Congestion
(posted 2018-01-26)

Just the Same Old Wine Empty Bottle report Offers Nothing New; Orwellian repackaging seeks to "hide" toll-tax on free bridges
(posted 2018-01-19)

Regressive Toll Tax Wrong Way To Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion
(posted 2018-01-17)

Congestion pricing faces an uphill battle in the Assembly, too (Politico)

Regressive Toll Tax No Way To Fund Transit or Reduce Congestion
(posted 2018-01-09)

An Update on Transit Funding from Keep NYC Free: Do Not Rely onToll Tax Revenue; Better ways to address traffic congestion and resourcing transit
(posted 2017-11-30)

No Tolls on the Free East River Bridges says Assembly Member David Weprin in Fall 2017 Reports to the Community
(posted 2017-12-04)

Nation's Foremost Progressive Gives Congestion Tax The "Bern" Senator Bernie Sanders with Mayor at news conference on subways funding denounces tax on working families and working people(DNAinfo)

City Councilman from Southeast Queens Says It Like It is "Congestion pricing is taxation without representation"(Crains Op-Ed)

Regressive Congestion Pricing Haunts New York; commentary by former NYS Assembly Member Richard Brodsky, Senior Fellow Demos Action
(2017-09-06; posted 2017-09-08)

Foremost Progressive labels Congestion Tax "Regressive" Mayor De Blasio denounces congestion tax at mayoral forum (Crains)
(2017-09-06; posted 2017-10-09)

Congestion Pricing Won't Solve New York's Transportation Woes (Gotham Gazette)
(2017-09-06; posted 2017-10-09)

Pols: No Tolls On East River Bridges Queens BP Katz, Assembly Member Weprin, Council Member Grodenchik, Queens Chamber, Queens Civic Congress (Press of Southeast Queens)
(2017-09-01; posted 2017-10-09)

Queens pols speak out against tolling on free East River bridges Queens BP Katz, Assembly Member Weprin, Council Member Grodenchik, Queens Chamber, Queens Civic Congress (TimesLedger)
(2017-08-31; posted 2017-10-09)

Toll proposals seen as a no-go in Queens Government, business, civic leaders line up against East River, congestion fees (Queens Chronicle)
(2017-08-31; posted 2017-10-09)

‘No New Tolls!’ was the message of NYS Assemblyman David I. Weprin, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and NYC Councilman Barry Grodenchik (Queens Gazette)
(2017-08-30; posted 2017-10-09)

Queens rallies against proposed Queensboro & East River tolling (Queens Courier)
(2017-08-30; posted 2017-10-09)

Queens pols civic leaders oppose East River bridge tolls (Queens Examiner)
(2017-08-29; posted 2017-10-09)

Queens pols, civic leaders oppose East River bridge tolls (Glendale Register)
(2017-08-29; posted 2017-10-09)

Several Queens politicians take a stand against potential tolls on Queensboro, East River bridges (Sunnyside Post)
(2017-08-28; posted 2017-10-09)

Free East River bridges should stay that way: Queens pols (amNewYork)
(2017-08-28; posted 2017-10-09)

Residents and lawmakers respond to possible tolls on East River bridges (Spectrum News NY1)
(2017-08-27; posted 2017-10-09)

No new MTA taxes "congestion pricing amounts to a tax on those who work in Manhattan but live elsewhere" (New York Post Editorial)
(2017-08-24; posted 2017-10-09)

Speaking Out Against Congestion Pricing Summer Update From Councilman I. Daneek Miller
(2017-08-22; posted 2017-10-09)

Mayor de Blasio slams 'inconceivable' congestion pricing plan "never seen an example of it that I thought was fair" (Daily News)
(2017-08-21; posted 2017-10-09)

Councilman Miller v. Congestion Tax "The MTA must not charge those living in transportation deserts to subsidize those who already enjoy access" (TimesLedger)
(2017-08-21; posted 2017-10-09)

De Blasio and Miller Upset Over Congestion Pricing "No matter how you cut it, [it] will be a regressive tax that hurts working families" (Press of Southeast Queens)
(2017-08-18; posted 2017-10-09)

A Refresher on Transit Funding from Keep NYC Free: Numbers don’t add up; Better ways to address traffic congestion and resourcing transit

Councilman Miller steadfast v. Toll-tax Spoke out against congestion pricing on Good Day New York.

Still the Same Old Wine in an empty bottle Revised City-only scheme offers nothing new. Relies on bogus revenues; better ways to address congestion.

NYC Must Do Its Part for Fix LaGuardia Tie-ups Keep NYC Free comments on "Blame the city for LaGuardia’s endless traffic nightmare" (New York Post)

De Blasio: Charging drivers to ease congestion 'not part of my vision' (amNewYork)
(2017-02-14; posted 2017-02-17)

Hellbound Train A Message to those who seek to exploit the L shutdown to Irresponsibly Impose Toll Scheme

Remarks at Long Island Smart Growth Working Group by Keep NYC Free Senior Policy Advisor Corey Bearak
(2016-07-19; posted 2016-07-25)

Interesting Math Confirmed!; SIers will pay $8 more under MoveNY's UNfair toll-tax Scheme

Interesting Math; How SIers pay $8 more under MoveNY's UNfair toll-tax Scheme

Elected officials, Advocates Speak Out Against Congestion Pricing Plan (includes Pic)

Elected officials, Advocates, To Speak Out Against Congestion Pricing and Call for Better Transportation Options for Queens Residents

A Message on Transit Funding from Keep NYC Free: Stop those promises in disguise!

Sorry, New York City doesn’t need more tolls Assembly Member David I. Weprin op-ed (New York Post)
(2016-04-12; posted 2016-06-18)

Lawmakers criticize MoveNY toll plan (Queens Ledger)
(2015-12-10; posted 2015-12-14)

Pols Say No To East River Toll Proposal (Queens Tribune)
(2015-12-10; posted 2015-12-14)

Move NY tolling plan draws mixed reactions (TimesLedger)
(2015-12-10; posted 2015-12-14)

Pols knock plan to create bridge tolls Proposal is case of 'actual highway robbery,' says Assemblyman Weprin (Queens Chronicle)
(2015-12-10; posted 2015-12-14)

East River bridges toll plan decried by Queens lawmakers (Newsday)

Queens Leaders Speak Out Against Tolling Proposal (NY1 News)
(2015-12-06; posted 2015-12-14)

Assemblyman David Weprin, Senator Tony Avella, Councilman Barry Grodenchik, Assemblywoman Alicia Hyndman Stand Together to Oppose Move NY's Proposed East River 'Toll-Tax Scheme'; Queens Chamber of Commerce, Queens Civic Congress & Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Join Assemblyman Weprin (View news conference photo.)
(2015-12-06; updated 2015-12-07 with pic linked)

Queens Civic Congress opposes Move NY toll-tax scheme statement by President Harbachan Singh
(2015-12-06; posted 2015-12-11)

Pols Taking Their Toll....On Us! Keep NYC Free comments on Michael Goodwin'sNew York Post column (Nov. 1, 2015).

Ups & Downs;Go Ask Alice: Up Is Down; Down Is Up; When Progressive Means Regressive Keep NYC Free comments on those calling themselves progressive supporting a tax infamously regressive by its nature.

Council Member Miller Breaks from Progressive Caucus Colleagues, Opposes Congestion Pricing (Note: The only current council member who drove an MTA bus and was previously co-chair of the MTA Labor Coalition.)
(2015-10-29; posted 2015-10-30)

A Message for some legislators a reminder that toll-tax schemes offer neither net revenues nor relief from traffic.

Same Old Wine (city council) report offers nothing; follows schemer approach to barter projects for tolls.

NY City must honor its historic commitment to support the MTA Capital Plan Keep NYC Free welcomes the most recent media call on New York City to contribute its fair share to help fund the MTA Capital Plan.

Revenues that Makes Sense for the MTA Capital Plan Keep NYC Free applauds the efforts of the Governor and MTA to make the plan cost-effective.

QUEENS OPPOSES MOVE NY’S PLAN: "FAR FROM FAIR, LACKS PROMISE OF RETURNS" Joint statement by Queens Borough President Melinda Katz; State Senators Joseph Addabbo, Jr., Tony Avella, Leroy Comrie, Toby Stavisky; Assembly Members Jeffrion Aubry, Barbara Clark, Vivian Cook, Phillip Goldfeder, Ronald Kim, Michael Miller, Michael Simanowitz, Michele Titus, David Weprin; and Council Members Karen Koslowitz, Rory Lancman, I. Daneek Miller, Paul Vallone and Ruben Wills.
(2015-04-27; posted 2015-04-28)

Why Adopt a toll-tax scheme that means two New Yorks? Keep NYC Free comments on recent calls on Mayor to look at toll-tax scheme.

Let's Be Clear: The Song Remains The Same Statement by Corey Bearak, senior policy advisor for Keep NYC Free at Senator Tony Avella's news conference on latest iteration of the Move NY congestion scheme (It included Assemblyman David Weprin, Queens Civic Congress, the Small Business Congress, the Glen Oaks Village Cooperative Juniper Park Civic Association, the Friends of LaGuardia Airport and a past president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce.)
(2015-03-13; updated 2015-03-15 to include pic and links to Sen. Avella's release and news coverage)

Still, The Song Remains The Same Statement by Corey Bearak, senior policy advisor for Keep NYC Free at news conference on latest iteration of the Move NY congestion scheme. Read Assembly Member David Weprin's release which includes statements from the Queens Chamber of Commerce and Queens Civic Congress. View the statement of Queens Civic Congress President Harbachan Singh
(2015-03-01; updated 2:27 p.m.)

Here We Go Again? Keep NYC Free comments on latest iteration of the Move NY congestion scheme.

The Pretender Keep NYC Free comments on Municipal Arts Society support for congestion tax.

Queens Chamber of Commerce Still Opposed to Congestion Pricing and Tolls Queensborough magazine (April 2014)

Congestion Pricing = Bad Idea Keep NYC Free welcomes Op-ed, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. calls the 'Move NY' plan to place tolls on East River bridges 'an unfair regressive tax', in Daily News today

Mountain Jam Keep NYC Free comments on toll-tax unveiled by Move NY as reported by Daily News, Capitol New York and amNY
(2014-03-21; updated 2014-03-22)

Wasted Words Keep NYC Free comments on toll-tax promoted in Caution Ahead: Overdue Investments For New York’s Aging Infrastructure (Center for an Urban Future)

Walk Right Back Keep NYC Free comments on Gridlock Sam: congestion pricing will cut traffic deaths (Capitol New York)

Avella wants city bridges to be toll free (Times Ledger)
(2013-12-19; posted 2013-12-22)

Queens Pols Push To Keep Bridges Free (Queens Tribune)
(2013-12-19; posted 2013-12-22)

Avella seeking to ban East River tolls (Queens Chronicle)
(2013-12-19; posted 2013-12-22)

Legislation Prohibiting East River Tolls Announced (Queens Gazette)
(2013-12-18; posted 2013-12-22)

Queens legislators balk at plans to toll East River bridges (Queens Courier)

Manhattan’s Free Bridges: To Toll or Not to Toll (Epoch Times)
(posted 2013-12-15; posted 2013-12-16)

Keep NYC Free supports Avella bill barring toll-tax
(posted 2013-12-13)

Avella, Weprin, and Queens Civic And Business Leaders Announce Legislation Prohibiting Tolls On East River Bridges (includes pic)
(2013-12-13; posted 2013-12-16)

Queens Civics Oppose new toll scheme (Queens Civic Congress letter to electeds, 2013-12-01)
(posted 2013-12-06)

What A Day Keep NYC Free notes Governor Cuomo's comments on toll-tax scheme (NY1 News)
(posted 2013-11-27)

Song Remains The Same (Still) Keep NYC Free comments on Group to Promote Revised Plan for Tolls on East River Bridges (NY Times)
(posted 2013-11-26)

RIP – Edward I. Koch, Mayor Keep NYC Free comments on the passing of an icon
(2013-02-01; updated)

Nixes toll tax Keep NYC Free comments on GOP Mayoral Candidate Breaks Silence, Gives Some Of His Views To CBS 2 (CBS 2 News)

Better Change Keep NYC Free comments on The next superstorm; Sea walls? Yes. But traffic and telecom walls, too. (Crain's New York Business Editorial)

We have all been there before Keep NYC Free comments on Subway and bus fare hikes have to be fair to straphangers (Daily News Editorial), Keep MetroCard Bonus, Transit Chief Says (New York Times) and MTA Details Fare Increases (Wall Street Journal)

Fatal Distraction Keep NYC Free comments on Deaths Rise for Drivers, Bikers and Walkers on City Streets (New York Times)

Two-wheeled terror New York editorial urges a crackdown on bikers who flaunt traffic safety laws and regulations

Falling Traffic Congestion a Symptom of Weak Economy New York Sun column by Andrew Wolff

It Seems The Toll-Taxers Need A Polite Admonition: Talk Real Revenues; Stop Scheming on Tolls & Congestion Tax

Talk Real Revenues, Stop Scheming on Tolls and Congestion Tax Schemes Before More Big Builds, How About Restoring Services; Ambitious Projects Merit Sound Solutions (Includes contact info for Keep NYC Free principal spokesperson Walter McCaffrey

It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry Keep NYC Free comments on the ex-MTA chair who chased the riches in the Far East

Look Within Keep NYC Free comments on NYS Comptroller's MTA Metro-North audit, Select Payroll and Overtime Practices and Related Transactions

Mis-investing taxpayer cash Keep NYC Free comments on New York Post article, Times Square 'noir' on $27 million makeover project

Herb London finds City Traffic Schemes "only made things worse" City Journal
(2011-09-27, posted 2011-09-28)

Beware Economy-Killing/ Job-Killing Tax Schemes Keep NYC Free comments on New York Post article, The Big Crabapple-Execs trash NY as biz site in survey

New Fangled Congestion Tax Scheme....Ain't Goin' Nowhere Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News article, Congestion pricing looks to hitch ride again...

Wishing Well Keep NYC Free comments on poll by Art Science Research Lab (ASRL) that finds more than 3/4 of New Yorkers either lack any enthusiasm for bike lanes or find fault with the scheme.

Nothin' To Hide Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News editorial, Transportation Commish Janette Sadik-Khan's highhanded ways displayed in Brooklyn bike-lane suit

Hot Dusty Roads Keep NYC Free comments on Michael Goodwin's column, Dead-end dreams build roads to ruin (New York Post)

Crazy Eyes Keep NYC Free comments on efforts to use PANYNJ's toll scheme to promote a Congestion Tax

A new beginnin's clingin' in my head Keep NYC Free comments on NY & NJ Governors' rejection of PANYNJ's toll scheme

Business as usual Keep NYC Free comments on state and city comptroller MTA audit

We have all been here before Keep NYC Free comments on the former Lt. Governor's latest call for a toll-tax.

Freedom Rider Keep NYC Free comments on how the concern about the status of certain MTA programs and projects misplaces the focus from core needs.
(2011-08-03; updated 2011-08-04)

The Holdup Keep NYC Free comments on administrative staffing cuts at the MTA
(2011-08-01; updated 2011-08-04)

Blowin' In The Wind Keep NYC Free comments on census data on new reports on attempts to impose a congestion tax
(2011-07-25; updated 2011-07-27)

Why Working New Yorkers Still Can't Afford A Congestion Tax Or Tolls Keep NYC Free comments on census data on jobs in NYC
(2011-07-24; updated 2011-07-27)

Glad Keep NYC Free comments on NYC's Midtown in Motion traffic control system

Car Ban Parked Keep NYC Free comments on City Hall resisting a scheme to ban cars in Central Park
(2011-07-11; updated 2011-07-27)

Wipe Out Keep NYC Free comments on NYC rationing toilet paper at Coney Island (New York Post)

Tell All The People Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News editorial on the MTA's Improving, Non-Stop ads
(2011-06-30; updated 2011-07-13)

Burned and with both feet on the ground Keep NYC Free comments on Bridges crumble as MTA tolls soar (New York Post)
(posted 2011-06-28)

APPLY PILOT TAG, AVOID REQUIRED SCRUTINY NOW & FOREVER? Keep NYC Free comments on New York Times story on using Pilots to avoid scrutiny

Never Be Their Fool Keep NYC Free comments on Congestion Pricing: The Tax That Won’t Die in AAA's Car & Travel (June 2011)

Ticket to Ride Keep NYC Free comments on NYPD's ticket to ride Bike crackdown (New York Post)

Bus Boondoggle letters A bus-ted MTA purchase (New York Post)
(2011-05-21, updated 2011-05-23)

Out of Touch Keep NYC Free comments on DOT seeks to improve bus service in Jamaica (Queens Chronicle)
(2011-05-19, updated 2011-05-23)

MIA? Keep NYC Free comments on Bridge toll mounts (New York Post)
(2011-05-15, posted 2011-05-18)

Bus Boondoggle Keep NYC Free comments on Buses hit new 'low' (New York Post)
(2011-05-15, posted 2011-05-18)

City Made Special.....for just a few Keep NYC Free comments on Should the city approve a 'limo lane' for UWS residents? (Crains)
(2011-05-13, updated 2011-05-18)

Plazas ain't sweet on the street, pol fumes (New York Post) with comments by Keep NYC Free
(2011-05-05, updated 2011-05-23)

Plazas Require A Review First Testimony to City Council Committee on Transportation chaired by Council Member James Vacca

Senators stand v. tolls on free bridges Keep NYC Free on advocacy by Sens. Sampson, Stavisky and Avella

Somethin' Stupid Keep NYC Free Comments on legislation to partially repeal mobility tax and put tolls on free bridges
(posted 2011-04-26)

Daily News editorial Proposed improvements to Prospect Park West bike lane have gotten completely out of hand
(2011-04-23, updated 2011-05-18)

Keep NYC Free Comments on NYC Community Air Survey

A Mayor Stands for Free Bridges Keep NYC Free notes Mayor Ed Koch's defense of free bridges
(posted 2011-03-27)

Sunnyside Chamber Revisits Congestion Pricing Issue (Queens Gazette)
(2011-03-16; posted 2011-03-24)

Worth Considering Keep NYC Free comments on David Weprin Daily News Op-ed: Congestion pricing taxes are taxing to the wrong people

Questions Keep NYC Free comments on news reports that NYCDOT dropped plaza plans from its 34th Street Scheme
(posted 2011-03-04)

Closing 34th Street Means Chaos Keep NYC Free comments on New York Observer "Get Real, Sadik-Khan" editorial

34th Street Scheme Blasted Keep NYC Free comments on Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer blasting the 34th Street Transitway (New York Post)

Roads to Ruin Keep NYC Free comments on Andrea Peyser's column on NYCDOT and the 34th Street Transitway (New York Post)

Buses Run On Roads Too Keep NYC Free comments on Michael Goodwin's "You got a pothole..." column discussion (New York Post)

Save 34th Street! Keep NYC Free comments on New York Post editorial

Behind the Curb Keep NYC Free comments on Center for Urban Future report on bus ridership
(posted 2011-02-25)

Manhattan BP Seeks 34th Scheme Review; discusses on Fox Five's Good Day New York

Debacle on 34th St. Keep NYC Free comments on Steve Cuozzo's column, DOT's plans to ruin grand blvd. (New York Post)
(posted 2011-02-24)

Congestion Pricing Should Stay (Off) The Table (Queens Gazette editorial)
(posted 2011-02-23)

At ABNY, A Reprise: Skelos Pledges To Block Congestion Pricing
(posted 2011-02-09)

Brooklyn's Beep on Traffic Tax: Fugheddaboudit

Assemblyman David Weprin, Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, Senator Tony Avella and business and civic leaders Denounce “Traffic Pricing” Calls for Alternatives (Keep NYC Free thanks Assembly Member Weprin for this post)
(2011-02-06 - posted 2011-02-09)

Coverage of City Hall News Conference called by Assembly Member David Weprin
(2011-02-06 - posted 2011-02-09; updated 2011-02-10)

Comptroller's Audit Flunks MTA on Bus Inspection - comments by Keep NYC Free

Keeping Score – Another Keep NYC Free idea moves

Over and Over.....again Staten Island Chuck's “traffic” forecast as told to Keep NYC Free
(Ground Hog Day, 2011-02-02)

On Traffic Tax/ Congestion Tax/ Toll Tax, Senator Skelos states: "I don't believe it is the right way to go"
(posted 2011-01-28)

Traffic Tax/ Toll Tax/ Congestion Tax - The faulty policy that no amount of messaging can correct. Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News report

Trouble In Paradise Keep NYC Free comments on "Psycho cycle policy; Buses stuck, but bikes roll" (New York Post)

A Child's Claim to Fame Keep NYC Free comments on "The city's massive wreath cut" (New York Post)

Tell me who's been fooling you? Keep NYC Free comments on City's Traffic Nightmares (Channel 2 News)
(posted 2010-11-17)

It's A Good Feelin' To Know Keep NYC Free comments on Andrew Cuomo's statement on the Congestion Tax. (New York Post, WNYC)

Before The Deluge Keep NYC Free comments on recent Huffington post commentary that the "defeat" of the congestion tax based on a "clumsy and inadequate" effort on its behalf.
(posted 2010-10-07)

Another Time Around Keep NYC Free comments on "After Medicaid, Ravitch to tackle transportation" (Crains)
(posted 2010-09-28)

Whither Parks? Keep NYC Free comments on "Crews ignore 'dangerous' trees in Central Park" (New York Post)

Ghost Town Keep NYC Free comments on "Free Parking Comes at a Price" (New York Times)
(posted 2010-08-19)

Here We Go Again (Again?) Keep NYC Free comments on Deputy Mayor Goldsmith's recent WNYC interview
(posted 2010-08-15)

A Question of Balance Keep NYC Free comments on "MTA budget bust bared" (NY Post)

Running Horse Keep NYC Free comments on MTA overtime and shortfall issues
(posted 2010-08-10)

Every Time I Hear That Train Keep NYC Free comments on Crain's editorial, "MTA's plan for action"
(posted 2010-08-04)

This Time It's For Real Keep NYC Free comments on MTA revenues and service cuts
(posted 2010-08-03)

FreeWheelin' Keep NYC Free comments on cycling and so-called pedestrian plazas at the expense of buses and subways
(posted 2010-07-31)

Here We Go Again Keep NYC Free comments on Deputy Mayor Goldsmith's recent New York 1 News interview
(posted 2010-07-28)

Inaccurate Conclusions Keep NYC Free comments on "Another tax shortfall hits the MTA's budget" (Crain's)
(posted 2010-07-02)

Blame Game Keep NYC Free comments on "MTA chairman Jay Walder blames prior administrations for blowing $560M on overtime" (Daily News)
(posted 2010-05-28)

Manufactured Congestion Keep NYC Free comments on "Times Square Plazas Slow Many Bus Trips" (New York Times)
(posted 2010-05-28)

Who's Minding The Store? Keep NYC Free comments on "Use of Mob-Linked Firm Shows M.T.A. Problem Vetting Subcontractors" (New York Times)
(posted 2010-05-28)

Disingenuous Keep NYC Free comments on "M.T.A. Plans More Rounds of Layoffs by July 4" (New York Times)
(posted 2010-05-06)

A Plan or An Imposition Keep NYC Free comments on "New Union Square" (New York Post), "Plan for 34th St. Puts Buses and Feet First" (New York Times), and "34th Street proposal a bust for Garment Center" (Crain's)
(posted 2010-05-06)

What NY Transit Needs From D.C. Keep NYC Free comments on "White House: Congestion Pricing On The Table" (City Limits)
(posted 2010-05-06)

Alternatives Creates Some Capital Keep NYC Free comments on "$9 B.! M.T.A. Has Hole in Its Five-Year Plan You Could Drive a Train Through" (New York Observer)
(posted 2010-05-06)

Maybe Cheaper Makes More Sense Keep NYC Free comments on "MTA spent $20M on cameras that don't work, but a cheaper system have functioned for years" (amNewYork)
(posted 2010-04-08)

Waste away. Keep NYC Free comments on "Budget for West Side extension of No. 7 train going off track, engineers warn" (Daily News)
(posted 2010-04-07)

aka mismanaged transit agency Keep NYC Free comments on "Anger foments over neglected MTA property in Brooklyn" (amNewYork)
(posted 2010-04-07)

Crazy Eyes Keep NYC Free comments on NYCDOT report on traffic congestion which contradicts the rationale for congestion pricing.
(posted 2010-04-01)

The Song Remains The Same Keep NYC Free comments on various news stories concerning recycling tired old discredited proposals to Toll East River bridges.
(posted 2010-03-24)

Beating the Straphangers Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News story that "Fare-beaters cost NYC Transit a staggering $27 million in 2009"
(posted 2010-03-18)

You're The Next Fool! (Reprise) Keep NYC Free comments on DMI report on the congestion tax
(posted 2010-02-18)

You're The Next Fool! Keep NYC Free comments on City Hall's recent statements on the congestion tax
(posted 2009-12-18)

Grandchild of Congestion Tax? Keep NYC Free comments on statements made from Copenhagen and the various news reports
(posted 2009-12-15)

Assembly Member Meng opposes Congestion Tax & Tox Tall Keep NYC Free highlights statement at Queens Chamber of Commerce meeting reported in Queens Courier (11/18/09)
(posted 2009-11-23)

Free ride on your dime (Daily News, 11/18/09) with by Keep NYC Free comments
(posted 2009-11-23)

Long-distance buses piling up in midtown (Crains, 11/17/09) with comments by Keep NYC Free
(posted 2009-11-22)

Lies Keep NYC Free comments on "Keep waiting for that free crosstown bus....." story (Daily News, 11/6/09)
(posted 2009-11-10)

History Lesson Keep NYC Free comments on Daily News Ravitch Toll-tax story

Just Who Is Insensitive? Keep NYC Free comments on Crains Insider TEA training story

European Motorist Group Slams Congestion Tax Scheme; includes Commentary by Keep NYC Free (NY Times)

Mega projects v. Station repairs. Commentary by Keep NYC Free on MTA is Sweating Bricks? (NY Post)

Gifthorse Stuck in the Barn? Commentary by Keep NYC Free on $1.5B TRANSIT STIMU-LOSS (NY Post)

A little effort please Commentary by Keep NYC Free on Discount bus company racks up $136,000 in traffic fines (amNewYork)

Tolls? Fuhgeddabout it! Commentary by Keep NYC Free on the recent Q-Poll

Promise them anything; commentary by Keep NYC Free on A WALK IN THE 'PARK' (NY Post)

Deja 2nd Avenue All Over Again; commentary by Keep NYC Free on the latest 2nd Avenue Subway delay

A question of priorities; commentary by Keep NYC Free on TIMES SQ. IS SITTING PRETTIER (NY Post)

AILING MTA SPLURGES ON EXEC MED EXAMS (NY Post); includes commentary by Keep NYC Free

MTA - nothing like tightening its belt; comments on "MTA has 8,200 staff members making more than $100G (Daily News)

Keep NYC Free comments "MTA needs $600M to keep going" (Daily News)

Borrowing from Keep NYC Free.....again: Taxi ride shares and Taxi stands

And It Got Done - Without Tolls!!

Keep NYC Comment on State Senate Dems Plan (New York Times and Daily Politics)

New Revenues to Save the Fare and Finance Essential Transit and Transportation projects

How Fitting! A New Toll Tax Proposal on Tax Day! And it still hikes our Fares!

Keep NYC Responds to Daily News Editorial: "Thrown under the bus"

Keep NYC Responds to New York Times Editorial: "So Much for Public Transit"

DUH! When will they ever learn? That their policies cause bad outcomes

Carl is Cool. So Let him know
Keep NYC Free defends Sen. Kruger in face of media attacks

Bridge Traffic to Increase (Crains_Insider)
Comments by Keep NYC Free: MTA Fare Hike = Fewer Straphangers! And More Drivers!

Bridge tolls, better bus service only means more of the same (TimesLEDGER)

Fear Campaign Borders on Irresponsible
Toll-Taxers know better alternatives exist and can avert a fare hike and cuts. What is their secret agenda?

Time for MTA to step forward to assist its riders
Statement by Walter McCaffrey, spokesperson, Keep NYC Free

Call Yes, But Call for Alternative Plan that Makes Sense
MTA Board Vote Makes Clear Need to Embrace a Plan that Delivers No Fare Hike, No Cuts, No Tolls

Keep NYC Responds to New York Times Editorial: "Thanks a Lot, Albany"

About time already, study the sound alternative to fare hikes, cuts and tolls

Is that all there is? We need more options from MTA, Albany (Newsday editorial)

Why cost us 30k jobs in this economy?

Sound alternatives exist (Letter to Daily News)

If Public Makes the "Call" Pols Need to Answer With No Fare Hike, No Cuts, No Toll Plan

Bridges on East River must remain free by Corey Bearak (TimesLEDGER)

State Senators deserve praise; toll-taxers merit blame for MTA $$ woes

Why Not No Fare Hikes, No Tolls and No Cuts? It Can Be Done.

Sound Alternatives to Fare Hikes and Tolls Exist

False Toll Promises (Commenting on Daily News article, "MTA details budget cuts for subway, buses if Albany doesn't offer bailout")

Time to talk alternatives (Comments on NY Times editorial)

Why City Hall and Executive Chamber Eschew Sound Revenues for the MTA

Daily News edit heads need to see the light

"Why Only (Bad For The Economy) Tolls?

"....promises are not guarantees" letter to State Legislators on bus service

$2 toll tax changes nothing letter to State Legislators

$2 tolls net NOTHING for transit
Statement by Walter McCaffrey

Tolling Free Bridges = Unfair, Inefficient, Economy-killing
It makes no sense to impose Tolls on Free East River and Harlem River Bridges – especially as we endure a severe recession bordering on a depression.

Tolling our Free Bridges: Bad for Queens Businesses
Statement from the Queens Chamber of Commerce

Keep NYC Free Policy Advisor Corey Bearak comments in Ravitch plan revisited (Crains)
Includes additional comments not included in the article

Options exist to pay for transit (TimesLedger)
Letter to editor by Corey Bearak, Esq., Keep NYC Free

Statement at Joint Hearing of NYS Senate
Standing Committees on Transportation and on Authorities and Commissions

New Revenues for Mass Transit that Save the Fare
Revenue Chart handout at NYS Senate Hearing

City dwellers would pay 65.1% of new bridge tolls under Ravitch
Analyzing the revenue numbers provided by the City's Independent Budget Office

Tolls v Buses Are Just Not Equal
Comment by Keep NYC Free on Albany rolling toward MTA bailout tax (Daily News)

Testimony to MTA in Queens: Keep NYC Free report shows -

Testimony to MTA: Saving the Fare -
It can be done without tolls on free bridges

Stimulus Cash for NY's Subways
Reflections by Keep NYC Free on New York Times, New York Post and Daily News stories

Ravitch's rocky start (Crain's Insider)
Includes comments by Corey Bearak

MTA East River bridge toll plan unfair to residents of Queens (TimesLedger)
Letter to the editor by Corey Bearak

New York City Grew, but Traffic Didn't(New York Times)
With commentary by Keep NYC Free

Keep those bridges free (Keep NYC Letter to the Editor in Queens Chronicle)

Congestion Pricing By Any Other Name Is Just As Stinky (Keep NYC Letter to the Editor in Queens Ledger and seven other Queens and Brooklyn weeklies)

Keep NYC Free Revenue Chart
handout at NYS Assembly Hearing

MTA's inefficient and inequitable toll tax (Keep NYC Letter to the Editor in The Caribbean Voice)
(2008-12-08; posted April 7, 2010)


Keep NYC Letter to the Editor responding to MTA report doesn't get at the root problem (Newsday)

Keep NYC Letter to the Editor responding to Keep the City Moving (New York Times)

Many Hurdles, Legal and Political, to Bridge Tolls
With commentary by Keep NYC Free

Keep NYC Letter to the Editor responding to Saving the subway: Ravitch funding plan is best hope for preserving mass transit (Daily News)

It can be done without tolls
Statement by Keep NYC Free on the proposal by the Commission on MTA Financing

Johnson takes axe to (London) congestion charge zone (Guardian)
With commentary by Keep NYC Free

With commentary by Keep NYC Free

Incredible shrinking demand for MTA bridges and tunnels (Daily News)
With commentary by Keep NYC Free

Travel Up-Vehicle Usage Down (NYMTC)
With commentary by Keep Free

Report Finds (U.S.) Government Top Violator on Parking (New York Times)
With commentary by Keep NYC Free

Financing Mass Transit in New York: Basic Principles / Practical Options
Submitted by Keep NYC Free to the Commission on MTA Financing

With commentary by Keep NYC Free

The Riders Pay (New York Times editorial)
Includes letter to editor submitted by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

With Nostalgia in Overdrive, Double-Decker Bus Gets a Trial Run (New York Times)
Includes "note" by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Four public meetings on MTA financing beginning September 15
A Public Service Notice from Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Carpooling Gets Boost (Crain's Insider)

How the City and State Shortchanged the M.T.A. (New York Times)

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Applauds San Francisco For Rejecting Golden Gate Congestion Toll
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Congestion Tax supporter's re-election OPPOSED by City Hall (New York Times)
Includes "note" by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Golden Gate Bridge congestion toll plan dies (San Francisco Chronicle)
With comments by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

No Congestion Toll, But Congestion Parking Meters Coming to SF (KCBS Radio)
Includes "note" by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Golden Gate Bridge 'congestion toll' scrapped (Press Democrat)

TfL Admits Livingstone Regime Deliberately Obstructed Traffic Flows (Association of British Drivers)

London gridlock at pre-congestion charge levels (Guardian)

London congestion rises back to pre-charging levels (Transport for London)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

San Francisco discusses with the Community first (The Newspaper)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Seven-Month Decline in Travel Reflected in Highway Trust Fund (USDOT)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

"Pols Show Real Backbone" says Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
responding to Daily News article

With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Correcting the Record, Once Again (Letter to New York Times)

Can't Find a Parking Spot? Check Smartphone (New York Times)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

MTA tells execs to curb cars (Daily News)
Includes commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

City to Test Peak Rates for Parking Meters (New York Times)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Cost of Driving Does What Law Was Trying To (New York Times)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Honolulu Mayor vows to veto congestion-fee idea (Star-Bulletin)

Another Solution Bites the Dust (See PlaNYC Agents Nixed in Crains Insider)
With commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Can Parking Policy Ease Congestion? (New York Times Wheels blog)
With introductory commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

U.S. Embassy Refuses to Pay London Congestion "tax" (Commuter Outrage)

Sydney joins New York in rejecting the Congestion Tax (See article in
With introductory commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Taxi Stands Get Second Look (Crains Insider)
With introductory commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

E-ZPass freebies cost MTA $14M a year (Daily News)

Still Not Quite Over Congestion Pricing (Daily News)
With introductory commentary by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free


Pols beware..... Read what happens
Colorful Tory Beats Laborite to Become Mayor of London (New York Times) (2008-05-03)

New York, True to Mayor's Promise, Slashes City Parking Permits (New York Times)

London congestion charge did not improve air quality (New Scientist)
Some pollutants even rose

"...six years has made little or no difference to the traffic jams in central London" (New York Times)
Op-ed from London, Clown Prince of the City, by A.A. Gill

L.A. drives away with N.Y.C. cash (Daily News)
Notice the no-bridge toll alternative LA got "paid" to do

Is the Long-term Sustainability Plan Sustainable? (Gotham Gazette)
City Hall failed to engage NYC's neighborhoods and their Community Boards and elected officials in the conception and development of PlaNYC2030 and its Congestion Tax.

To be Assembly speaker, first you have to get elected (Albany Times-Union)

Congestion Pricing: Just Another Regressive Tax? (New York Times)

The public remains happy that the congestion tax got killed

Statement by Walter McCaffrey, spokesman for Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
It is now time to consider real traffic mitigation alternatives...

Editorial: A TOLL TOO FAR

The Traffic Tax (New York Sun Editorial)

The Latest Slap (New York Sun)
Column by Alicia Colon

History for the Speaker (New York Sun)
Column by Andrew Wolf

Pay to play, Bloomberg-style (Riverdale Press Editorial)

Congestion Pricing: Wrong Plan at a Bad Time
According to Conservative Party State Chairman Michael R. Long

Pork handouts offered to pressure council members to OK congestion plan
Juan Gonzalez column (Daily News)

Crowded New York-LI will benefit from flex time
Newsday Op-ed by Baruch professor J. David Lichtenthal

New York State Law says congestion pricing scheme is dead
Statement by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Statement by Senator Ruben Diaz posted to NY Times City Room Blog

Assembly Member Brodsky Critiques new Senate bill


Congestion pricing would have wide-ranging effects (Newsday)


in the past the state had diverted mass transit money to other purposes in MTA, city fear Paterson will cut budget (Daily News)

NYERS ON NEW FEES: NY politicians cannot be trusted to use congestion-pricing funds for mass transit. and other comments by regular folk
(New York Post letters to the editor) (2008-03-29)

Avella & Weprin Hold Anti-Congestion Pricing Rally
with with Queens Civic Congress and Queens Chamber of Commerce (see photo) (2008-03-28)

Council has votes to block congestion pricing: Avella (TimesLedger)

Police, Fire Unions Come Out Against Congestion Pricing (Daily Politics)

Governor's budget cuts $60 million for transit

A Big 'No' to Congestion Pricing From Three Non-Downtown Boards
Brooklyn Community Boards 7 and 10 join Board 14, Bronx CB 8 and Queens CBs 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 13

Congestion Pricing means Two New Yorks
Councilman Fidler - in youtube video - says congestion pricing could create a city of "haves" and "have-nots"

Rightful suspicion (Staten Island Advance editorial)

A $10 Fee Can Save the Day For Congestion Pricing (Brooklyn Eagle)

Statement by Corey Bearak, Policy Advisor, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

Vallone Vows Vote Against Congestion Pricing (Queens Gazette)
Opposition to the Congestion Tax at western Queens Community Board 1

weeks later, that all vanished. admits Council Speaker Quinn
about the MTA enhancements(The Politicker)

the public has every right to be skeptical so says our Mayor (Newsday)

The Straphangers call it "a raw deal," and so should you.

No E-ZPass, Pay $9.00 (Gotham Gazette's Wonkster)

There Are No Guarantees

Unfair Congestion Tax - Chock Full of Lies
Statement to NYC Council Committee on State Legislation by Corey B. Bearak, Esq.

CWA Local 1180 President Arthur Cheliotes Testimony to NYC Council Committee on State Legislation

So It Goes.....False Promises - AFTER - they got their money
M.T.A. Postpones Subway and Bus Service Upgrades (New York Times City Room)

Queens Chamber of Commerce Statement to NYC Council Committee on State Legislation

congestion pricing is bad public policy for the city
Opinion: Why I Drive by Andrew Wolf (New York Sun)

City Council Hearing on the Congestion Tax March 24, 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.)

Statement by Walter McCaffrey on Paterson and congestion pricing

Juan Gonzalez column: Coughing up congestion (Daily News)

Brooklyn Community Board 7 (Windsor Terrace and Sunset Park)rejects the congestion tax (Gowanus Lounge)
Joins CBs 4Q, 6Q, 7Q, 8Q, 8X, 11Q, 13Q, 14K

Brooklyn Community Board 14 (Flatbush, Midwood) presses new Governor on congestion tax (letter)

Statement by Walter McCaffrey on the Congestion Pricing delay

Queens State Senator refusing to get rolled over
over by the congestion taxers aka the pricing pushers (StreetBlog)

This news article shows Rep. Weiner called it right See:
Bush Officials Criticized for Privatization (Washington Post)

Governor Corzine on the impacts of a congestion tax
In Marcia Kramer's WCBS-TV news report

15th Truth: Congestion Taxers will say anything to promote their scheme

The USDOT Congestion Pricing Grant date is fiction
So stated Henry Stern, NY Civic

So who else is using our funds to promote the congestion tax?
Read what Councilman Lew Fidler says (Daily News)

Congestion Pricing is "a tax on the poor and middle class,"
so says Assemblyman Joseph Lentol to the Crain's Insider

Brodsky grills MTA chief on $30 billion capital plan (Journal News)

No Parking Spot? Here Are About 142,000 Reasons (New York Times)

City's Parking Permits Problem Worse Than Thought (New York Sun)

Congestion plan's asthma fear (Daily News)

Payoffs. A Good Government Reason to turn thumbs down on the congestion tax. (Streets Blog)

Congestion Pricing Congested At Council (Daily Politics)

unfairness, inequity and perhaps, even "gentrification" (New York Times City Room)

Road charging plan 'in tatters' (BBC News)

Congestion Pricing: Where's the bill? (Staten Island Advance City Hall Insider)

14th Truth: Selective Review and Consideration = Flawed Plan

The 2008-13 MTA Capital Plan: The Costs Are Out of Control (Room Eight)

Letter to the editor: Congestion Pricing (Downtown Express)

Look at What They Want the Congestion Tax to Pay For.

M.T.A. Plan Shows Less Help From Congestion Pricing (NY Times) congestion pricing would cover a relatively small portion – 15 percent – of money needed for transit improvements. That would leave the authority still scrambling for money.

"...there currently aren't enough Republican votes to carry the [congestion pricing] measure," reports Liz Benjamin (Daily News)


Mario Cuomo Not So Sure This Congestion-Pricing Thing Is Happening (NY Magazine Daily Intelligencer)

STATEMENT BY WALTER McCAFFREY, lead spokesman, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
Congestion Pricing scheme offers no guarantees for mass transit improvements

MTA Needs $30 Billion To Maintain and Expand Services (WNYC Radio)

Mayor's Traffic Plan Draws Criticism of Weiner (NY Sun)

Corey Bearak on Congestion Pricing in New York City
Mel Berkowitz Show, QPTV (via YouTube< /a>)

13th Truth: No Room at the Inn; Still Pay Through the Nose.

STATEMENT BY WALTER McCAFFREY, lead spokesman, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
pro-congestion pricing ads: too many questions, no answers

Queens Courier editorial: Kill congestion pricing in City Council

Comptroller Bill Thompson on Congestion Pricing:
unfair to New Yorkers. (WNBC-TV News Forum)

Congestion Pricing Debate:
Brodsky on the 'Lock Box' (The Politicker)

Opponents to Congestion Pricing Urge NO Vote
to City Council, Assembly and State Senate Members

Congestion Pricing Is Environmentally Precarious
Queens Gazette Op-ed by AssemblyMember Andrew Hevesi


2008-02-12_Ted Kheel comments on the Commission Congestion Pricing Plan
excerpt from City Hall newspaper

Rockland opposes congestion pricing (Mid-Hudson News Network)

Congestion pricing is a tax,
says City Council Transportation chair John Liu

Strike two for revised congestion plan (Riverdale Press)
Op-ed by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz

Queens Courier editorial: KO congestion pricing

Queens Pols Reject Congestion Toll (Queens Chronicle)

12th Truth: Already Unfair Scheme Made Even More Punitive and Unfair

Congestion Pricing Could Lead To 'Hunting Licenses' (Queens Gazette)

it's worth thinking carefully (New York Post)
before hitting up already tax-besieged New Yorkers with yet another fee

Commuters pan congestion pricing (The Journal News)

all this is doing is putting another tax or premium on (Logistics Management)

New Yorkers comment on the latest Congestion Tax scheme (WNYC)

Statement regarding final "verdict" by the
Kangaroo Court on Congestion Pricing

Soaring Contruction Costs (WNYC)
doublespeak at work (2008-01-29)

Lower Manhattan residents expressed their opposition to the City's congestion tax scheme at a Community Board 1 forum

STATEMENT BY WALTER McCAFFREY, lead spokesman, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
Slimmed down traffic congestion fee plan

NYCDOT Deputy Commissioner admits they do not know
See Meetings to study congestion parking (Daily News)

Islanders' message at hearing on congestion pricing: Fatigue (S.I. Advance)


Congestion Tax - Chock Full of False Promises
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by Corey B. Bearak, Esq.

Queens Borough President Helen Marshall's
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission

Detour to Disaster (Queens Courier)
A Congestion Pricing video (2008-01-24)

Too Many Questions; So Few Answers (Queens Courier Op-ed)
Op-ed column by Walter McCaffrey (2008-01-24)

Assembly Member Vivian Cook: "congestion pricing is a tax on people
that can least afford to pay it" (Queens Courier)

Queens Bd. 1 Challenges Congestion Pricing (Queens Gazette)

Queens pols weigh in on congestion pricing (Queens Courier)

Queens Courier editorial: Kill Congestion Pricing

5 Different Pricing Plans (Queens Courier)

Congestion pricing debate heats up (Queens Courier)

New York congestion hearing draws scores (Newsday)

Public Sounds Off On Congestion Pricing Plans (New York 1)
Mere vague assurances on this are not enough

Queens Board 4 Rejects Congestion Pricing Plan (Times Newsweekly)
Joins Queens Community Boards 6, 7, 8, 11 and 13


NYC residents get it!
Read the comments on this Daily News article on how officials look to make phony guarantees

New Visions Dem Club hears pro, con cases (Times Ledger)
outerborough residents would be disproportionately affected

Low-cost alternatives could fix congestion pricing (Times Ledger)
Former CB11Q Chair Bernard Haber, P.E. says plan "would hit northeast Queens hardest"

Majority Of NY'ers Reject Congestion Pricing: Poll (Queens Chronicle)

CB 2 questions mayor's vision of city (Times Ledger)

Congestion Pricing Opposed At Town Hall (Queens Gazette)

Congestion Pricing Opponents Blast Bridge Tolls Idea (Queens Gazette)

Weiner praises congestion alternatives (Times Ledger)
The Congressman says "Congestion pricing is simply a bad idea"

NYC's Congestion Tax Scheme: Too Many Questions; So Few Answers
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by Walter McCaffrey

Avoid the Congestion Tax Pit Inside a Sweet Fruit
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by Corey B. Bearak, Esq.

Sometimes when you try to kill two birds with one stone, you just wind up missing both birds.
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by Hugh O'Neill, Appleseed President

Assembly Member Micah Z. Kellner
Testifies before NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission
See the report submitted with his testimony

Queens Chamber of Commerce
Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by Albert F. Pennisi, President

Testimony to NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission by John Mullins

Brooklyn Community Board 14 (Flatbush, Midwood) rejects the congestion tax (letter)
Joins CBs 4Q, 6Q, 7Q, 8Q, 8X, 11Q, 13Q

Running Scared: Congestion Pricing Questions (Village Voice)
Who's skeptical about the mayor's traffic plan? The companies bidding to run it.

11th Truth: Too Many Questions; So Few Answers


Profits from Mayor Bloomberg's congestion plan may go elsewhere (Daily News)

Coverage of City Hall Press Lockbox news conference (Epoch Times)

Better Transit New York blogger
recognizes how the city congestion tax plan and its toll/tax variants fail to meet its claims

[T]axing access makes no sense to address congestion
See Professor Donald Shoup: How About Congestion Parking

No guarantees money will be used for mass transit improvements

The Public has spoken again in new Quinnipiac Poll

Vast majority of Staten Islanders oppose congestion pricing, poll shows (Staten Island Advance)

10th Truth: London Tax Not for NYC; Just Does Not Fit

9th Truth: Congestion Tax – Avoid the Pit Inside a Sweet Fruit

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz
shares his concerns about the City's congestion tax (The Brooklyn Paper)

notes the total failure of the London congestion tax other than to line the pockets of the bureaucrats

8th Truth: Congestion Tax – Projects and Promises Just Do Not Add Up

Pols, stop force-feeding N.Y. huge ideas
such as the city's congestion tax scheme
columnist Errol Louis points out the folly (Daily News)

Community Board 8 (The Bronx) opposes City Congestion Tax scheme
Joins Queens Community Boards 7, 8, 11 and 13
See Board 8 votes 'no' to mayor's congestion plan (The Riverdale Press)

Queens hit hardest by congestion pricing (Queens Courier, Daily News)

Parking Guru supports parking policy as a remedy to congestion
See Illustrating Parking Reform with Dr. Shoup (StreetFilms)

7th Truth: Congestion Tax – East River Tolls give a free-pass to non-residents

East River Bridges and Tolls (NY Times editorial)
the vast majority who crowd the business district are not regular users of East River bridges.

Whacking Groundhogs (NY Sun)
Column by Andrew Wolf

NYC 2nd Greenest of any American city

Shoup Dogg, Parking Policy Cult Hero, Fills Fordham Auditorium (StreetsBlog)
Parking Guru sees Cruising causing congestion

6th Truth: Live Outside the City, Pay No Congestion Tax

A Reader comments on the IBO Report (Village Voice)
only NYC residents will pay the full freight of this misbegotten tax.

Mayor's intrepid traffic plan must avoid being intrusive (Daily News)
NYC Civil Liberties Union says city plan raises enormous privacy concerns

Traffic congestion plan could hit 3rd rail (Daily News)

British cities shun London's wasteful car tax (The Sunday Times of London)
Five years later: traffic jams are almost as bad as they were to start off with.

the congestion tax just raises the costs of goods to consumers (Forbes)
driving and even non-driving New Yorkers bear a disproportionate costs of a regressive tax

Letter from Assembly Member Richard Brodsky
to NYC Traffic Mitigation Commission Chairman Marc Shaw

New spin on congestion pricing plan? (Newsday)
they're now trying to jury-rig the proposal

PlaNYC Unfriendly to Labor (The Chief)
Will Freeze Out Union Workers

Statement by Walter McCaffrey on the
latest biased “report” by congestion tax proponents

5th Truth: Congestion Tax – Just Not The Season

Congestion Pricing Takes A Beating At 86th St. Meeting (A Fine Blog)
An observer comments on a December 3 forum hosted by the East 86th Street Merchants Association and CIVITAS

Statement by Walter McCaffrey on a
Congestion Pricing Reduction from 86th Street to 60th Street

Congestion Pricing Reduction from 86th Street to 60th Street
Unfair to outerborough residents who would still get charged

Congestion Pricing Reduction from 86th Street to 60th Street
Unfair to Manhattanites - plan would benefit the wealthiest New Yorkers

London Traffic - Just as Bad as Before
See Toll Talk in Newday's SPIN CYCLE

Congestion Pricing - A Hard Look (AAA's Car and Travel)
See AAA New York and other experts continue to question whether the plan, as presently proposed, creates a false expectation of improved traffic congestion.

Congestion Pricing Flaw: Cloned License Plates (WCBS-TV)
Why pursue a complex scheme when Alternatives exist without such headaches as 10,000 counterfeit license plates?


4th Truth: The Unfair Congestion Tax

Nix congestion pricing plan and enforce current traffic laws
So Says Cabbie in Daily News Op-ed


Congestion pricing: tough to chew (Brooklyn Heights Courier)
Don't bite into the city's congestion pricing plan without knowing all the facts.

If seventy-five cents represents an unfair tax,
how can anyone justify eight dollars on New York City taxpayers?

3rd Truth: The Public Knows Better on City's Congestion Scheme

The public has spoken again
Statement by Walter McCaffrey today's Q-Poll

The MTA did not factor the Congestion Tax into its 2008 budget
The MTA's website's FAQs (frequently asked questions) on the proposed fare hike

the impact in neighborhoods such as East Harlem highlighted

Congestion in London reverting back to pre-congestion tax 2003
Cars out as London mayor clears way for Paris-style plage and cycle boulevards (The Times of London)

(Queens) CB 11 blasts congestion pricing (TimesLedger)
Joins Community Boards 7, 8 and 13 in opposing Congestion Tax

2nd Truth: City's Congestion Scheme Would Privatize Jobs and Waive Buy American

Congestion Suggestion (Staten Island Advance editorial)

Hudson River tolls reduce Mike's coffers (Crain's Insider)

Does Congestion-Pricing Plan Affect City Ticketing Policy? (NY Sun)

Bloomberg's congestion plan draws fire from residents (Daily News)
Covering the Bronx Traffic Congestion Mitigation Hearings - see last paragraph

Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Announces Truth Series
First Truth: City's Congestion Tax does not meet supporters' claims

In Praise of Congestion by Andrew Wolf (NY Sun Column)

Fidler Presents Alternative To Traffic Plan (NY Sun)

By Rail or Road, Travel Costs Rising in New York Region (NY Times)

Another Viewpoint on Congestion Pricing

Testimony to the NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission
Presentation by Walter McCaffrey at York College
(Includes testimony by Hugh O'Neill at Hunter College, October 25)

Testimony to the NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission
Presentation by Corey Bearak at York College

Where's the cash? (Metro New York)
MTA's got a plan for congestion pricing, but no way to pay for it

Why London continues to grind to a halt (The Times of London)

Pol doubts city's traffic estimates (AMNY and Newsday)
Assemblyman Richard Brodky, member of the commission, questions city numbers

DOWN ON CONGESTION (The Ridgewood Times Newsweekly)
Speaker Derides Mayor's Tax On Drivers

Electeds Praise Activists At Civic Congress Meeting (Queens Ledger)
The Congestion Tax as a mango's pit: Just because something is sweet on the outside doesn't mean there isn't something bad on the inside.

Testimony to the NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission

Weiner: Getting Trucks Off Streets Will Solve Congestion Woes (Queens Gazette)

Daily News exposes revenue flaws in City scheme

New York Times Advocates Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free Alternatives
Editorial: Mr. Mayor, for Your Consideration

See link below to share your solutions to traffic congestion mitigation with The New York Times

TRAFFIC ON THE BRAIN: Share Your Solution on traffic Congestion Mitigation (NY Times City Section)

NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission Hearings
Oct. 24, 25, 30 and 31; Nov. 1 and 5, 2007

Editorial Comment: Congestion pricing isn't a plan (Riverdale Press)
View editorial on the Riverdale Press website

Community Board 8Q opposes the City's Congestion Tax
Excerpts from Minutes of Community Board 8 Board Meeting

Congestion Pricing Opponents: We Have a Plan (1010 WINS)
You may also click here to go direct to the audio

Group proposes alternatives to NYC's congestion pricing plan (AP Story in AMNY)



Study Gives Alternatives to City Plan for Traffic (NY Times)

Governor Spitzer takes up a suggestion by Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
West Street garage converting to bus parking (Crain's)


Queens Community Board 6 Opposes Congestion Pricing

M.T.A. Says Mayor’s Plan to Ease Traffic Will Cost $767 Million to Accomplish (NY Times)

CB7 blasts congestion pricing (TimesLedger)

What's wrong with congestion pricing (Riverdale Press)
“A Point of View” by Assembly Member Jeff Dinowitz

Boro needs voice on congest board (Daily News)

Statement by Walter McCaffrey on Q-Poll

Spitzer: Don't link fare hike, congestion pricing (Excerpts from Newsday)

Make “A Field Trip for the Congestion Panel” Worthwhile
[Responding to a New York Times editorial]

Critiquing Some Congestion Pricing Impacts
(From the New York Times) ON COMMUTING:
How Congestion Pricing Could Play Out

Staten Island Advance editorial: A snub by any measure

Queens Courier editorial: Millions of Questions!

No (Staten) Islanders on the city's traffic panel

WNBC-TV: News Forum Transcript (Brodsky v Wilde)

“We are not the only ones raising questions and concerning about the USDOT funding issue”

Congestion Pricing: Still an Accident Waiting to Happen
by City Council Member David Weprin (City Hall)

Statement by Walter L. McCaffrey on behalf of Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free
[USDOT Conditional Award of funding to New York City]

Preserving the Integrity of Mayor Bloomberg’s Congestion Pricing Plan
Excerpt from “News from the Transportation Front No. 19”

“Read some alternatives to saving the fare rather than using the congestion tax”
Crains: Comptroller lambastes fare hikes [This link also includes full list of alternatives from the Comptroller's news release and a link to his report]

Assembly Member Rory Lancman's Carrott Bill

WNBC-TV: Excerpts from News Forum
Three Political Reporters/Bloggers weigh in on Congestion Pricing

Newsday: New York lawmakers OK congestion pricing study

Congestion Charge - income £930 million, surplus £14 million
London Councilor Phil Taylor (Ealing) Sounds Off

Statement by Walter L. McCaffrey on behalf of Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free [Congestion Mitigation Commission Legislation announcement]
(2007-07-19) Congestion Pricing: Just Another Tax Increase

Daily News editorial: Curb these parking perks
Permit abuse by city employees has to stop

Congestion Tax Hurts Small Business

The Wall Street Journal: Bloomberg vs. The Car

The Truth about Congestion Pricing and Mass Transit (text and video)
You may also click here to go directly to the video

“The Subways Are Overtaxed and So Are New Yorkers. Don’t Stand for It!” “Anti-Congestion Pricing Press Conference Highlights Scheme Flaws”

Congestion pricing not what it appears

Congestion Tax: Must Be A Better Way

NY Sun: Silver’s Skepticism

Civics want to Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free

NYC Senior Citizens Reject Congestion Pricing

NYC’s next boondoggle: Congestion Pricing

TimesNewsweekly: Charged Up Over Congestion Pricing Plan

Queens Courier: Queens pans congestion pricing plan

TimesLedger: Leaders blast congestion pricing

Queens Tribune: Boro Leaders Rip City’s $8 Car Fee

Queens Gazette: Queens Pans Mayor’s Congestion Plan

Queens Gazette editorial: Congestion Pricing Unfair To Queens Drivers

ATA Statement on Congestion Pricing

The British aren't coming: London traffic fix runs over stores
Letter from London Chamber of Commerce and Industry in San Francisco Business Times